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Tis the Season for Love Page 7
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Page 7
Harley’s head dropped back against my shoulder, and she looked up into my eyes. “Almost like they were trying to set us up?” Her brown eyes sparkled with humor and we both laughed at the silly notion. Except…
I saw the moment it hit her too. She sat up and turned around, straddling my lap. “Did we seriously get set up by those two little monsters?” she asked incredulously. “Like The Parent Trap?”
“More like The Santa Trap,” I mused with a roll of my eyes. “They were working together.” I suddenly remembered Tyler’s reaction when I’d shown up tonight and seeing him on the phone. “No wonder Luke pushed so hard for me to be Santa this year. Let me guess, Tyler harassed you to come and see me?”
Harley nodded, then fell forward in a heap of giggles. “Seems like we’re all getting what we wanted for Christmas.”
My eyes slowly drifted open, squinting against the bright sunlight pouring in through the windows of my bedroom. Memories of the night before flooded in and my arms tightened involuntarily, as though making sure it hadn’t been a dream. Nope. I had the most gorgeous, alluring woman wrapped up in my embrace. Her soft, silky, nude body plastered to mine.
“Merry Christmas,” she whispered as her hand slid down my chest. When she grasped my morning erection, I moaned and flipped us over so she was trapped beneath me.
“Merry Christmas, beautiful,” I murmured before lowering my head to brush my lips over hers. “I take it you want your other Christmas present, now?”—she chuckled and squeezed my cock, eliciting a deep growl from my chest—“Are you sore?”
“Maybe a little.” She shrugged but didn’t let up her grip. “But, I’m greedy and want all my presents now.”
I pushed my hips forward, thrusting lightly into her hand. “What kind of Santa would I be if I didn’t deliver?” My body covered hers, and I hovered over her by resting on my elbows. It gave a me a fantastic view. “You are so incredibly beautiful, Harley.”
Her face turned a sweet shade of pink and she squirmed under me, taking my mind to much dirtier thoughts.
Reaching down, I took hold of her wrist and lifted it over her head and then did the same with the other. I kept them clenched in one hand and began to explore her body. Licking and sucking all along her neck and tits, laving each nipple with ample attention.
Every little sound that came out of her mouth fueled the slow burning fire inside me until it was raging. I let go of her wrists and cupped her face, kissing her passionately. My body lined up with hers and my cock nudged at her entrance. Harley lifted her hips slightly, inviting me in and I didn’t hesitate to accept her offer.
Carefully, remembering her tenderness, I eased inside. Her legs circled my waist and her hands clenched tight at my shoulders. I stopped and pulled back just enough to see her face, making sure she wasn’t grasping so tightly out of pain, rather than pleasure. The blissful expression on her face was my undoing and I thrust inside, planting myself as deep as possible.
Her walls clamped down and she moaned before biting her lower lip. It was so fucking sexy; I almost blew right at that moment. But, as I struggled to hold back, the feel of her pussy enclosed around my cock brought a realization with it. Fuck.
“I’m not wrapped up, beautiful,” I grunted.
“I prefer my presents unwrapped,” she panted and bucked her hips. “Naked, in fact.”
I wanted to laugh and forget all about reality, but we had to talk about this first. “Ditto, beautiful. But, I meant that I’m not wearing a condom. I didn’t last night either.”
She stopped moving and her eyes widened as she stared up into mine. “Oh…I thought you wanted…I mean, last night you said you wanted me to be the mother…um—”
She was adorably mussed, sexy as fuck, and at that moment, she somehow became even more than I could have ever imagined. “Are you saying you want to get pregnant?”
Pink infused her already flushed skin but she closed her eyes and nodded. “If that’s what you want.”
“Harley, beautiful, look at me.” When her chocolate brown orbs focused on me once again, I smiled gently at her. “I would love nothing more than to put my baby inside you and give Luke a little brother or sister. The thought of you round with our child…” The images in my head were sexy as hell and working me into a frenzy again.
Kissing her once more, I let myself go. We fucked long and hard. Our bodies slipped and slid against one another, slick with sweat. My hands were everywhere, feeling every part of her and manipulating her pleasure until she was screaming in ecstasy. It wasn’t long before I was roaring her name as we soared into the abyss together.
We spent the morning making love, wearing ourselves out until we lost track of time. Before I knew it, the sound of the front door slamming shut jarred us awake from a lazy nap. Harley jackknifed up in bed with a gasp. “Luke!”
“Dad? I’m home!!”
Harley glanced at me frantically and scrambled from the bed, looking for her clothes. When she realized where they were, she shrieked and went running into my closet.
“Har—I mean, is anybody else here?” Luke called.
I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. “We’ll be right there, sport,” I managed to respond. Jumping from the bed, I quickly donned some pajama pants and a T-shirt, smirking at Harley when she peeked out from her hiding spot. Grabbing another set of clothes, I tossed them to her.
“I can’t go down there wearing your clothes!” she sputtered.
Putting my hands on my hips, I trailed my eyes up and down her naked body. “Well, you certainly aren’t going down there like that. Besides, I like the idea of seeing you in my clothes.”
“But Luke,” she protested.
“Even if he did notice, which I doubt since there is a truckload of presents under that tree downstairs”—I shrugged—“he’ll get used to it.”
She sighed and disappeared for a moment, then stepped out in the baggy outfit. I grinned and prowled over to her, grabbing up the extra fabric and pulling her close. “So fucking cute,” I growled before kissing her chastely. We popped into the bathroom to brush our teeth and splash water on our faces, then I entwined our fingers and led her down to meet our son.
Luke was waiting at the bottom of the stairs and when he spied our hands, a huge smile spread across his face. “Merry Christmas.”
I kept my hold on Harley, but used my free hand to scoop Luke up and hug him tight. “Merry Christmas, buddy. You okay with Harley spending Christmas with us?”
“Every Christmas?” he asked slyly. Harley giggled and I rolled my eyes before pretending to drop him on the ground, then set him on his feet. “Yeah, Luke. Every Christmas.”
“Yes! I’m gonna call Tyler!” He raced off to the kitchen, leaving me staring after him, a little shocked.
“Wow”—I glanced at the living room stuffed with presents, then toward the kitchen—“I guess you were what we both really wanted for Christmas.”
Harley laughed and wrapped her arms around me. “This is what I’d call a ho-ho-ho-happily ever after.”
“Dad! Harley! C’mon, wake up! It’s Christmas morning!” Luke jumped on the end of the bed and shook our legs. “Santa was here, and there are so many presents under the tree!”
“It’s barely light out, Luke,” David groaned, yanking him up and tickling him under the ribs until he was squirming and laughing loudly.
“Yeah, but I want to open all my Santa presents before everyone gets here.”
My eyes popped open, and I rolled over to check the time on my phone. “He’s right. We’d better get up so we can enjoy some Christmas morning family time before my parents, Tyler, Holly, Jacob, and her mom and stepdad come over in a couple of hours.”
“See! Harley agrees! It’s our first Christmas morning together, and it should be special,” Luke exclaimed, wriggling out of his dad’s hold and springing off the bed. He pulled on David’s arm until he got up, and I waited until they left the roo
m to follow behind them—after I put my pajama pants back on. I’d lost them in the sheets when David and I had made love in the middle of the night once we were done wrapping all the presents from Santa and putting them under the tree.
It’d taken us about five hours to get them all wrapped, but it only took Luke twenty minutes to rip through them. By the time he was finished, there was wrapping paper everywhere and we were left with no doubt that we’d done well with the selection of presents this year. While we cleaned up and got brunch ready, he happily played on the floor next to the tree. He didn’t get up until the doorbell rang, and then he raced for the door.
“Tyler!” he shrieked, pulling my little brother inside to show him all the toys he’d opened. While they chattered about which presents were the best, David and I greeted my parents. Just as we got them settled in the living room, the bell rang again.
This time, I was the one who hurried to the door to greet my best friend. “Holly!” I cried as I pulled my friend close and peered into her eyes. “Come in. You look flushed. Are you coming down with something? Is she sick?” I asked her husband, Jacob, as I gave him a hug and tugged them both inside the house.
“That’s one way of putting it,” he laughed.
“Oh, no!” I sighed in disappointment. “I had a special surprise all set up for everyone, but we have to go outside for it. You won’t be able to if you’re sick, not with the white Christmas we’re having.” I peered outside, looking for any sign of David’s friend who was loaning us a sleigh and horses again this year. When I didn’t see him, I shut the door and turned back to our guests.
“I’m not that kind of sick,” she giggled, pressing a hand to her lower stomach. “It won’t hurt the baby for me to be outside.”
“Baby!” I shrieked. “Oh my gosh, we’re going to be pregnant together! When are you due? We think it’ll be mid to late September for me.”
“You’re pregnant?” my mom cried, getting up to come over and give both of us hugs. “What a wonderful surprise!”
“Pregnant?” Tyler and Luke echoed in unison, turning to look at each other. “Ugh. Babies. We didn’t think about that with our—”
“Plan to fix Harley and I up with each other?” David finished for them.
They looked at him in shock. “You knew?” Luke asked.
“Yeah,” he answered, smiling at me. “Don’t forget that Santa knows everything, and I have an in with the big guy.”
It was one he’d continue to have for years to come since I couldn’t wait to bring our baby to the mall to visit Santa. Only the best Santa would do, of course. The one played by their daddy.
Ride My Sleigh Tonight
Grant St. Nicholas Calvin owned a chain of Christmas themed stores, but he had no love for the holidays. Not until Kristen Delancey walked into his office and stole his heart. She was the holiday miracle he didn’t even know he’d been wishing for, and he’d never let her go.
Chapter One
The cuckoo clock mounted on the wall behind my desk started jingling a Christmas tune, announcing it was noon. I spun around in my chair and glared at the ridiculous piece of wall art.
Despite the poison in my stare, the damn thing finished its tune before sending the little Santa back inside. Pivoting back to face my desk, I stabbed the intercom button on my phone.
“Grace, get that fuc—damn clock off of my wall.” I swallowed the curse, not wanting to offend my secretary. She had been working for my family’s company longer than I’d been alive and was like a second mother to me. Which meant I feared her as much as I loved her. It was a good thing she was so damn good at her job because I didn’t think I’d ever be able to fire her.
“We’re back to this again?” she sighed audibly through the speaker. “You want me to take down your grandfather’s clock? The one he made? The one that hung in the first store he opened until your father died? That clock?”
Oh, and she had the motherly guilt trip thing down pat.
“No,” I growled and punched the button to hang up. Rubbing the slight pain in my temples, I brooded silently and wished fervently for this day to be over.
“Your one o-clock is here early.” I almost jumped out of my chair when Grace’s voice shattered the silence, and my eyes flew up to find her standing right in front of me.
“Fuck, Grace! How do you do that?” She was a like a fucking ninja, always stealthy. I ran my hands through my dark hair before scrubbing them down my face and scratching my beard.
“Language, young man,” she scolded with a disapproving shake of her head, causing her silvery-gray curls to bounce. Grace was in her early sixties, had four children and nine grandkids, but you’d never know it. Her face had aged beautifully and she’d maintained her petite figure, making her look years younger than she was. Her hair and makeup were always impeccably done, and she was always dressed stylishly in her business suits and heels.
“Sorry,” I grumbled.
“Since your appointment is early. Why don’t I order in some lunch, and you two can go ahead and get acquainted?”
Something in her tone made me glance at her face, and I frowned when I saw a sly smile shaping her lips. Her blue eyes were sparkling, making mine narrow suspiciously.
Her countenance was odd considering the woman I was meeting with worked for the company I was hoping to sell my mine to. I’d inherited SWS (Santa’s Workshop Shop. Yes, you heard that right.), my family’s company that ran a chain of Christmas stores, when I was twenty-two and my parents died in a car crash on Christmas Eve. Running the company hadn’t interested me, but I felt obligated to pick up the baton, so to speak. Now, I was sick to death of Christmas and felt like I’d done my time. I wanted out so I could live a life where I could ignore the holiday season in peace. Grace had made it abundantly clear that she was against the decision. Especially since Denning & Co intended to expand and open stores all over the country. Basically turning Holiday Cheer into the Walmart of Christmas stores. So, why was she all of the sudden happy to facilitate the meeting?
“This meeting shouldn’t take long. I’ll have a late lunch afterward.”
Grace frowned and planted her hands on her hips. “Grant St. Nicholas Calvin”—I winced at the reminder of my ridiculous middle name—“I know your mother taught you better. Don’t be rude, especially not on Christmas Eve.”
I sighed and gave in with a wave of my hand. I’d learned to pick my battles with Grace. She smiled and patted my cheek before doing an about-face and leaving my office.
My head was bent over my desk, studying some reports when there was a soft knock on my door. Then it opened, and someone stepped over the threshold. “Have a seat,” I instructed without looking up. We’d recently started importing some of our toys and ornaments to get the cost of production down and make restocking quicker. Yet, our sales were down for almost every Holiday Cheer store and had only picked up after our big push for Black Friday. Most companies operated in the red all year, making up their profits on the busiest shopping day of the year. Not that we were in jeopardy of going under or anything, but selling would be much easier if the numbers were increasing rather than the opposite.
Finally pushing the reports away, I raised my head, only to have my jaw drop. Before me sat the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. She had deep brown eyes, a pert nose, and thin, pink lips that made my mouth ache to kiss her. Her oval face was framed by wild, brown curls that draped over her shoulders and fell to the tips of her breasts. Gorgeous fucking tits. They were small but high and round, a perfect handful and my hands itched to cup them.
She wore a red sweater-dress, but I couldn’t see where it ended or anything about the lower half of her body as it was hidden by my desk. But, I instinctively knew it would be every bit as delicious as the rest of her.
Lust barreled through me and as I swelled in my slacks, I was grateful for the heavy oak barrier that hid my aroused state.
“Do I have something on my face?” she as
ked as she patted her creamy skin, looking for whatever she thought had caused me to stare. If only she knew…
I shook my head and cleared my throat, attempting to dispel the fog surrounding me and get back on a steady, professional footing. “No. I’m sorry, you ah, look like someone I know,” I fibbed. “Kristen Delancey, I presume?” I refrained from reaching out to shake her hand, afraid that touching her would snap my control.
She nodded and smiled, showing off a set of small, white teeth, and a dimple in her right cheek. Fuck, everything about this woman from her body, to her smile, to her bedroom voice made me think of sex. I wanted to bend her over my desk and bury myself inside her from behind. I’d pull on all that gorgeous hair and fuck her fast and hard until she came so hard she saw fucking stars. Then lay her out on the surface and lick—
“Yes. I apologize for being so early”—her voice broke through my dirty daydreams and I tried to concentrate on what she was saying—"I was going to wait in the lobby but your assistant insisted that you wanted to go ahead and have our meeting over lunch.”
“Well, I didn’t”—what the fuck was I saying??—“Yes, I thought we could discuss things with some food.” I smiled genuinely, suddenly grateful for Grace’s meddling. Not that I’d ever tell her that.
“I’m so excited to work with you on the Holiday Cheer stores,” she gushed sweetly. “We used to come see Santa at the flagship store every year. The sleigh rides were always my favorite part.”
I chuckled. “They are still a hit with kids and adults alike. In fact, a friend of mine borrowed the horse and sleigh on Christmas Eve two years ago to romance his girlfriend into accepting his proposal. Since she’s now his wife, I guess the magic still exists.”