Bought for Marriage (Bought by the Billionaire Book 1) Read online

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  “Yes,” she snapped. “Let’s go to another room.”

  Graham tried to protest, but Kinsley ignored him and marched after the doctor as he led the way. When we reached a room, two doors down, Kinsley turned to me and opened her mouth.

  “No fucking way,” I said quickly before she could speak. “I’m coming in. I’m your husband, damn it.”

  Her shoulders fell, and she gave me a much cuter glare than she’d given her brother, but didn’t argue.

  The doctor took her temperature and blood pressure, then handed her a cup and asked for a sample.

  Again, Kinsley looked as though she wanted to object, but she pressed her lips together and stomped into the private bathroom.

  “How long have you two been married?” the doctor asked me as we waited.

  “Around three months. We spent a few out of the country. Do you think it’s something she might have picked up there?”

  The doctor snickered. “I can’t say for sure, but I’m guessing it happened right after you got married.”

  I shook my head, confused. “We were both tested, I didn’t give her anything.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he said, trying to contain an all-out laugh.

  I was starting to hate this guy and wondering if I needed to have him fired. Kinsley stepped from the bathroom, distracting me, and came to stand next to me.

  “I’ll take your specimen and be right with you,” the doctor informed us before retrieving it from the bathroom and leaving.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” I demanded when we were alone. Grabbing her hand, I dragged her over to a chair and sat, pulling her down into my lap. “I’m your husband, Kinsley. You don’t keep shit from me.”

  She sighed and twisted her hands nervously in her lap. “I’m not sick. Well, not really. I just didn’t know how to tell you what was going on.” She looked into my eyes then, her own blue orbs filled with pleading. I couldn’t imagine what had her so worried. “The thing is, I—um—kind of broke our contract and I don’t want you to hate me.”

  Fury burst through me, and my arms tightened around her. I couldn’t imagine she would have cheated on me. I thought I’d gotten to know her better than that, but it didn’t stop my imagination from running wild.

  “I didn’t do it on purpose,” she hurriedly explained.

  “Who is he?” I growled. I was going to fucking kill him. Then I was going to lock Kinsley in our apartment and never let her out. I didn’t care what she’d done, I was still in love with her and I was never letting her go.

  “He?” she asked, her face clouded with confusion. “He who? You did this to me. I mean, I guess it was mostly my fault, but—”

  “Me? What could I have done?”

  Kinsley struggled to stand, and I let her, not wanting to be rough with her as my anger heightened. She slammed her fists onto her hips and glared daggers at me. “You’ve been shoving your cock in me every chance you get, Sullivan. I don’t think there was a surface in our hotel room we didn’t fuck on. So yes! You’re partially to blame!” I honestly didn’t know how to respond because I was thoroughly confused.

  Before I could put any words together, the doctor returned to the room.

  “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Bradford,” he said, beaming.

  “Congrat—what?” I shouted, nearing my wits end.

  “It seems your wife has contracted pregnancy, Mr. Bradford. You’re going to be a dad.”

  Chapter Ten


  My brother hadn’t been in on the pregnancy secret, but it figured that he’d still managed to out me. And since he was still in therapy from the surgery, I couldn’t even kick him to make myself feel better about it. But judging from the stunned expression on Sullivan’s face, that was the least of my worries at the moment.

  “Pregnancy?” he echoed.

  “Well, what did you expect? You took me halfway across the world, through multiple time zones, totally messing up my pill schedule, and then filled me with your come as often as you could!”

  “And on that note, I’ll leave you two to discuss this in private,” the doctor laughed before backing out of the room.

  “You’re pregnant,” Sullivan repeated, his gaze dropping to my stomach. “With my baby?”

  “Of course it’s your baby!” I cried. “Who else’s would it be?”

  “And the pregnancy is what you meant when you said you broke our contract?” His jaw clenched as he gritted out, “Not another man?”

  “Another man?” I gasped, stunned that he’d think for even a moment that I’d sleep with anyone other than him with how explosive the chemistry was between us. “You really thought that’s what I was talking about? That I’d been cheating on you, even though I promised you there wouldn’t be anyone else?”


  My heart dropped.


  And then it soared.


  I was just plain confused when he jumped up and started to pace the floor, dragging a hand through his hair. “Just for a second, though. My imagination started to run wild, and my fears got the best of me.”

  I’d never heard him sound so uncertain. When he walked past me, I reached out and squeezed his arm, halting him in his tracks. “I did break our contract, but it wasn’t because I wanted someone else, Sullivan. It was the baby.” My hand dropped down to cup my lower stomach. “And—” Tears welled in my eyes, and I swallowed down a lump in my throat as I contemplated if I should get it all out in the open at once and tell him about my feelings while I was at it.

  “Shit, don’t cry,” he groaned, pulling me into his arms. “I’m fucking this all up.”

  “No, I’m the one who’s done that. You’ve given me so much, and one of the few things you asked for in return was a childless, loveless marriage. And what did I go and do? Get knocked up during our honeymoon.”

  “It’s all going to be okay,” he reassured me, squeezing me tight. “I swear it will.”

  “But how, when I’ve messed everything up so badly?”

  “You didn’t,” he insisted, taking a slight step backward and tilting my chin up to peer in my eyes. “Let me get you home first, and then we’ll talk about it. This is too important a conversation to have here. I want to do this at home, where it’s just the two of us.”

  My heart started to race at the gentleness in his gaze. I’d expected him to be furious with me about the pregnancy, but he didn’t look the least bit angry. “Okay,” I gulped, nodding.

  He swept my tears off my cheeks with his thumbs and bent his head to brush my lips with a gentle kiss. “If you look like you’re crying, it won’t matter how many brownie points I’ve earned. Your brother will want to kick my ass, and I won’t be able to blame him for it.”

  “Or he’ll think something’s horribly wrong with me and I’m dying. Then he’ll be too busy freaking out to worry about trying to beat you up.” I took a deep breath and reluctantly stepped away from Sullivan to walk into the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water and patted it dry. When I turned around, Sullivan was right behind me, holding his hand out.

  “We’ve got this,” he assured me.

  I pasted a smile on my face and walked with him to my brother’s room. “Hey, bro. I hate to do this, but we’ve got to cut our visit short.”

  Graham was sitting in the recliner in the corner of the room. His head jerked up, and he studied both of us, his gaze moving over my face, down to our connected hands, and then to Sullivan. His blue eyes held concern when they came back to me. “Was it bad news? If so, you can tell me. I’m strong enough to take it, and I’ll be there to help you through whatever it is.”

  “It’s nothing bad,” I reassured him, rushing forward to bend down and give him a hug.

  “You swear?” he whispered in my ear, holding me tight.

  “I promise.” I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. “I’ll come back tomorrow and explain everything.”

bsp; “I’m not a big fan of you running off with a doctor and then telling me I need to wait another day to find out what all the mystery is.” His gaze swung to Sullivan. “Whatever the hell this is all about, you’d better take care of her. If not, no amount of brownie points will keep you safe from me.”

  It took everything I had in me to not burst into tears and throw myself into my brother’s arms. He was such a good brother, and he was going to make an excellent uncle to the baby I was carrying.

  Sullivan stepped forward and latched onto my hand, tugging me close to his side as he stared down at my brother. “I’ve got this, Graham. You don’t have to worry. She’s not just yours to look after anymore. She’s mine, too.”

  With that, he led me out the door to the waiting car. The tension between us as we rode to our home was different than usual. The chemistry was still there; it always was. But this time the air around us was thick with emotion. His and mine. Sullivan kept hold of my hand, clenching it tightly but not saying a word as he mostly stared out the window.

  I would have given anything to know what he was thinking, but I was afraid to break the silence because he’d been right—this was a conversation we should have at home, no matter how much it was killing me to wait to know what his reaction to the baby news was.

  I was a bundle of nerves by the time we pulled up and exited the car. As soon as we walked through the door, I turned to Sullivan. “Okay. We’re here. For the love of God, please tell me what you’re thinking. I can’t take it anymore.”

  His hazel eyes filled with humor, and his lips tilted up in a grin. “Were you stewing over it the entire ride here?”

  “Yes! Of course I was, Sullivan. I’m scared to death of what you’re going to say,” I cried. “I swear I didn’t do this on purpose. I know it sounds crazy because birth control is supposed to be like ninety-nine percent effective, but I don’t react to the regular pill well so I’m on what they call the mini pill since it doesn’t have as many hormones in it. But it’s not quite as effective and it’s way more sensitive to timing, and I didn’t think about the time changes with my alarm when we were traveling—”

  He cut off my frantic rambling with a soft kiss, lifting his head after my lips stopped moving and softened beneath his. “I don’t blame you for getting pregnant. I understand that it was an accident.”

  I heaved a sigh of relief, relieved to know that at the very least he didn’t think I’d done this on purpose. But not blaming me wasn’t the same as being happy about the baby. “I know you said you didn’t want kids, and I agreed to it in the beginning of all this.” I dropped my hands over my belly protectively. “But even though we weren’t trying to get pregnant, I’m not upset that it happened, and I want to keep the baby.”

  “Of course you’re keeping the baby!” He dropped down on his knees in front of me and pressed his face against my hands where they rested over my stomach. “He or she is the happiest accident that’s ever happened to me. Completely unexpected, but something for which I’ll be eternally grateful”—his hazel orbs were wet when they gazed up at me—“just like my love for you.”

  “You love me?” I gasped. My knees crumbled, and I fell into his arms.

  “So much,” he confirmed. “Even without this pregnancy, my plan for just an arranged marriage with you never would have worked. I should have known it with how I reacted to you back in the Luxe Connections offices, but I was too focused on what I wanted to accomplish with Bradford Enterprises to be open to the idea of more with you.”

  I shifted in his lap, and his arms tightened around me like he thought I was trying to get away. “But that didn’t stop my feelings from growing, each and every day, until they were so damn big I couldn’t imagine my life without you anymore. I love you, and I’ll do everything I can to convince you that I’m worth the risk of loving me back after I was such a dumbass and made you sign a contract saying you wouldn’t. A contract I’m going to tear up as soon as you tell me you’re going to give me the chance to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Don’t tear up the contract.” I reached up and pressed my palms against his cheeks. “It’s what brought us together, and I don’t want to forget any part of our story. Not when I’m madly in love with you, too.”

  His mouth crashed against mine in a passionate kiss, our tongues tangling together. My heart filled with joy, but there was still a small doubt whispering in my head.

  “You were so certain you didn’t want to have kids,” I whispered against his lips. “Are you really okay with the pregnancy?”

  “I’m fucking thrilled you’re going to have my child. It’s going to be the luckiest baby in the world to have you as its mother. Look at the lengths you went to for your brother, signing that ridiculous contract and marrying me so he could have the surgery he needed.” He swept a stray piece of hair off my forehead. “I have no doubt you’ll kick my ass if I ever get too focused on work to the point that I’m neglecting my family, which was what I was afraid of in the first place.”

  “And maybe I’ll go back to school, take a few classes here and there so I can help you build an empire to pass along to them in the future.”

  “Whatever you want, baby,” he agreed. “I’d love to have you by my side at work as well as home. But I do have one question.”

  “You can ask me anything, Sullivan.”

  “How long have you known about the baby? Since you almost fainted when you went to visit your brother?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I was surprised when Patty, the nurse who said you’re smoking hot”—I practically growled that part, since I’d been more irritated at her ogling of my husband than her almost spilling the beans on the pregnancy—“suggested I might be pregnant, so I stopped at the store on the way home and took a bunch of tests. Then I was flat-out stunned when they all turned up positive.”

  “And you kept it to yourself this whole time? You didn’t tell anyone?”

  I shook my head. “I couldn’t bring myself to talk to anyone else about it, not until I figured out a way to tell you first.”

  “No more secrets,” he growled. “We’re a team, you and I, and we face everything together from now on. United.”

  “No more secrets,” I agreed.

  “Good.” He shifted me off his lap and rose to his feet. Then he bent low and swept me up into his arms, carrying me to our bedroom and gently setting me on the mattress. “Now that we’ve got all the hard stuff out of the way, I think we ought to celebrate our love and the baby we created.”

  “In bed?” I giggled.

  “Can you think of a better way?”

  “Definitely not,” I sighed as he settled next to me and nibbled at my lips. When they parted, his tongue swept inside, devouring me. He wrapped my hair around a fist and held me in place for a long kiss, only lifting his head when we were both gasping for air.

  He lifted me on top of him, and the chemistry between us exploded as I ground my pelvis against his.

  “So fucking hot,” he groaned, fumbling with the front of his pants as I hiked my skirt over my hips. He pushed his pants and boxers down his legs, and his hard length sprang free. Shoving my panties to the side, his fingers slid through my wetness before he sunk inside me with one powerful thrust.

  “Sullivan,” I gasped, wrapping my arms around his shoulders for balance.

  His lips roamed my neck as I rode him, rotating my hips in a way that had my clit rubbing against his pelvic bone. It didn’t take long before my pussy was clenching around him as I writhed in his lap.

  “That’s right, baby. Squeeze my cock so tight you milk my come right out of me.” I tumbled over the edge, my pussy clamping down hard. My entire body trembled, and I held onto him even tighter so I didn’t fall backwards. Sullivan continued to thrust up and down, his cock driving in and out of me as I screamed out in ecstasy.

  “I love you,” I cried out, and his hands tightened on my hips.

  “Fuck, baby. I love you, too,” he groaned, a muscle in h
is jaw jumping as he held onto his control while fucking me through my orgasm.

  “Let go, Sullivan.”

  “Not yet,” he growled. “You told me not to tear up the contract, and now that I know you love me as much as I do you, I want inside your ass.”

  To my dismay, my pussy clamped down even harder around him at the mention of anal. So far, he’d only played with my ass a little bit, using his fingers and a vibrating butt plug. He’d never gotten his cock near my dark hole…yet.

  “Feels like you’re almost as excited by the idea as I am,” he rasped as he slowly dragged his cock out of me and leaned over to open the top drawer of the bedside table and pull out a tube of Booty Eaze Anal Soothing Gel.

  I trembled at the first touch of his finger against my ass, pressing back against him as he slowly worked his lubed finger into my tight hole and getting me all slippery.

  “I think I can take you this time.”

  “Finally,” he groaned. “It feels as though I’ve been waiting forever to claim this part of your body like I already have the rest of you.”

  I felt the heat from his body as his chest pressed against my back, and his hard length slipped between my butt cheeks and nudged my puckered opening. “Breathe in, baby.”

  I took a deep breath, and it stuck in my lungs when he grabbed my hips and started to push inside my ass. I panted heavily as he slowly worked his way into my hole, surprised when the sting of his entry turned into pleasure after he made it past the tight ring.

  “Oh, wow.”

  “Yeah, wow is right. You’re so goddamn tight this way.”

  He began to gently thrust in and out with shallow strokes, his balls slapping my ass with each drive. When he reached around my body and started to stroke my clit, I felt my climax starting to build. Quickly.

  “Holy shit, I’m going to come!” My words were his undoing as he emptied inside of me. His orgasm lengthened mine, and I closed my eyes as my body shuddered in his arms.


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