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The Passion & Vows Series Page 5

  The fear previously masked under my anger shot to the surface. I didn’t care how good she was at her job, nobody was perfect. If she ever made a mistake—I couldn’t even think about it. And, I would never know what happened to her. She would simply disappear. Before I could drown in my terrifying thoughts, I called on every bit of my training and focused on the mission.

  “I can’t let you have him, Scarlett.” I saw the tiniest wince in her features when I used her field name. She didn’t seem to like it either. But, we were suddenly in operation mode, and it was clear we both felt the separation from our home life and our job.

  “I don’t think you’re grasping the situation, Justice. I don’t have the luxury of even one do-over. Failure is not an option for me.”

  I grunted in frustration. “You’re asking me to voluntarily blow this op. I can’t do it. I’m sorry, but Heron is more valuable alive than dead.”

  “Not according to my superiors. They believe he poses too big of a threat and needs to be eliminated.”

  Before I could respond, the double doors at the back of the van flew off with a loud bang. One of them smashed into the car Evie had been driving, one corner embedding itself in the driver’s seat. I’m sure that would haunt me later but my training kicked in, and I immediately started assessing everything around me. I darted to the van, wondering how a bomb got planted and whether Heron could have survived the blast. I glanced back at Evie, searching her reaction, wondering if she’d been able to complete her mission after all. Had I missed her setting the charge? I was trained to be hyper-observant, I couldn’t imagine I wouldn’t have seen it.

  A sliver of hurt slashed through my heart at the thought of Evie choosing her assignment over me, killing the target before we even had a chance to talk. Her eyes widened at my accusatory frown, hurt that mirrored my own showing through as she shook her head. I couldn’t consider any alternative, even knowing she’d been lying to me for year, at that moment; I instinctively trusted her.

  Darting over to the smoldering opening, I looked inside and didn’t see a body. I did however, see bloody zip ties lying on the floor near the sliding panel door on the left side of the van that opened out to the street. Blowing the back doors had been a decoy so he could get out another way, unnoticed. I took off down the street, running like a bat out of hell. I didn’t see him anywhere, but I knew the most likely routes he would take. After about thirty minutes, I slowed to a stop in an alley, I wasn’t going to catch up with him this way. I was up shit creek without a paddle, the bastard had escaped.

  The rumble of an engine drew my attention, and I looked up to see Evie driving the battered van in my direction. She parked and hopped out.

  “The cops were going to be there any second, so I figured it best to move the van.”

  I nodded, walking toward the back of the van. “Your car?”

  “Rental. I didn’t pick it up and the alias used is thorough. It can’t be traced to me.”

  I studied the blown doors, trying to figure out how Heron had gotten out of the restraints, and even worse, how the fuck he got a bomb in the van.

  “Your glove compartment.”

  “What?” I shifted my attention to Evie as she rounded the corner of the van.

  “He raided your glove box. Why the hell did you leave chemicals in there?” She held up a bottle of brake fluid (Polyethylene glycol) and a jar of what looked like chlorine dioxide mixed with some other stuff.

  “Shit.” I scrubbed my hands over my face. “I didn’t have a chance to sweep the van before I took it out. The last jackass who used it must have left them in there.”

  She pointed to a melted piece of clear plastic. It looked like he put tiny amounts of each into the empty water bottles up front and tossed them at the back door. The explosion was small enough to blow the back off the van, covering the sound of the opening side door and him running away.

  Then it hit me, the thump I heard after I got out of the car. If Heron had hit hard enough to break a thumb, he might have been able to work his hands out of the binding. It looked like he’d taken a lot of skin off with them.

  The injury would hamper him a little, but not much. A quick check of my watch confirmed the sun was about to set completely. I knew it was more likely the target would travel at night, but he would have to take care of his injury first. We could get some rest and pick up his trail in the morning, hopefully catching up to him before he slipped away the next night.

  Evie pulled a backpack from the passenger seat and slung it over a shoulder. To most people, it didn’t look like anything special, but in reality, it was a tactical backpack.

  “Valkyrie?” I guessed.

  She shook her head as she pulled out another smaller bag, and slammed the door shut. “Vanquish. It’s my personal weapon, so I don’t need the ambidextrous feature. I saw no reason to switch, the precision is equally good on either.”

  It was her personal weapon? I pictured my own little armory at home and wondered. “The safe in your office?”

  She cocked her head to the side, studying me. “SCIF and weapons. You?”

  “Same.” The conversation was taking on a surreal quality, and I wasn’t ready to get into everything right then. So, I changed the subject. “Let’s find a room and we’ll figure things out tomorrow,” I suggested wearily.

  “Sure.” Evie gestured for me to lead the way out of the alley. Before we left, I quickly retrieved my briefcase and go-bag. Then, I dumped the rest of the brake fluid around the van and as we walked away, I tossed in a lighter.

  “I’m going to grab a shower,” Evie said before disappearing into the bathroom.

  We’d checked into The Waldorf, figuring it was a better choice than our villa. Neither of us wanted to draw attention to our vacation home while in the thick of an assignment. After tossing her bug out bag on the bed, she slid her rifle underneath. She immediately moved to the mini-fridge and opened it to stare longingly at the small bottles of alcohol. She sighed and grabbed a water.

  I almost smiled at how damn cute she was, but I was too tense to really be amused. I wasn’t, however, too occupied to miss the sight of her heart-shaped ass sticking in the air as she bent down to peer into the appliance. She always had the power to make me want her, no matter what. My body and heart recognized my soul mate. The love of my life.

  Turning away, I strode to the phone and ordered room service. When it arrived, we ate in relative silence, neither of us knowing what to say. I hated the awkward tension. It had always been easy with us, even when we got angry with each other. Knowing there were always lies between us actually made me realize how strong our relationship was. We were sure of our love for each other and despite holding our own secrets, we still had complete trust in one another. A rarity for people who lived their lives in a world of espionage. I wondered if we’d ever be able to get back to that place.

  I cleaned up once she closed the bathroom door, trying not to think about what was on the other side. I didn’t know why I was even trying. Resisting Evie wasn’t possible, even with the “what ifs” hanging over us. She was mine, she would always be mine.

  I stripped on my way to join her in the shower, entering the room naked and hard as a fucking rock. The sight of her in the big, glass shower, her head back to rinse her hair, thrusting her amazing tits in the air, her flat stomach, the flare of her hips, her beautifully bare pussy, had my muscles clenching and all the blood in my head rushing straight to my groin.

  Pulling the door open, steam billowed out and made rivulets of condensation roll down my already overheated body. The draft of cold air creeping in blew over Evie, causing her nipples to tighten into hard little peaks.

  I tore my eyes away from the dusky tips, dragging my gaze up to meet her eyes. Only, they were glued to my cock, standing up against my stomach, already begging to be inside her. As I slowly approached, she finally lifted her gaze and the burning want in those chocolate depths made any hesitancy I’d been harboring dissipate.

>   My hand slid easily over her wet skin, grasping her around the waist and slamming her body into mine as my mouth sealed over hers. It had been over four days since I’d tasted her lips, and just like every time I was away from her, it felt like I hadn’t seen her in forever. I licked the seam of her mouth and she immediately opened for me, our tongues twisting and tangling, matching desperation in our kiss.

  I loved her so fucking much and I needed her more than my next breath. My hands traveled up her torso to palm her full tits, their size making them spill out of my hands. Massaging them to the rhythm of our kiss, I felt a shiver rip through her and I wanted more. Shifting so I was cupping her, exposing her hard little nubs, I trailed kisses down until I took one peak into my mouth. I was rewarded with another shiver. Her hands delved into my hair, sending tingles straight down to my cock. I switched to her other tit until I’d had my fill, then let it go with a little pop before sinking to my knees.

  With my hands on her hips, I encouraged her to turn and face the shower seat. “Bend down, baby. Widen your legs so I can see your pretty, pink pussy.”

  She bent and opened her legs, but it wasn’t enough and she knew it. I slapped a palm down onto the creamy skin of one ass cheek, enjoying the sight of my mark on her and the deep moan ripping from her chest. “Tilt your pussy, and get those legs open, or I’ll eat until I’m full and won’t let you come.”

  Her ass angled higher and her legs moved open wide, exposing her lower lips. Even though she was wet from the shower, I could see the slightly thicker wetness of her arousal on the insides of her thighs, and I couldn’t wait any longer. “Always so wet for me, aren’t you, baby? You’re fucking soaked.” I pushed her ass a little higher until she was on her tip toes, then I spread her pussy lips and licked her with the flat of my tongue, from bottom to top. She moaned again, but as I began to eat her in earnest, her sounds became cries of passion, spurring me on.

  “I love your taste, baby. I want it to fill my mouth. Come on my face, Evie. Do it now.” I slid two fingers inside her incredibly tight pussy and sucked her clit so hard, my cheeks hollowed out. She exploded, screaming my name as her body wracked with shudders, her juices flooding my mouth, the sweetest taste in the world.

  Surging to my feet, I flipped us around so I could sit on the shower bench. “Sit on my cock, baby,” I commanded. “I want you to ride me.”

  She straddled my legs, giving me the perfect opportunity to bite her ass, causing her to give a little squeak. The next thing I knew, she dropped down onto my dick, impaling herself all the way, and I shouted, “Fuck! You’re so damn tight.”

  Rocking back and forth a little, she let herself adjust to my size. I put my hands under her elbows and brought her arms up to circle my neck, behind her head. “Keep them there, baby,” I whispered before nibbling on her ear. Her skin was slick as my hands slid the rest of the way up her arms, then back down and over clavicle, falling to squeeze her tits and play with her nipples, plucking and twisting them. She squirmed on my cock, and I groaned at the way her pussy walls were clenching around me.

  Her rocking slowly turned to bouncing, until she was wildly lifting and dropping as my hips thrust up to meet her.

  “Oh! Oh! Yes, Alex!” Her cries fanned the fire inside until I was no longer satisfied with our position.

  “I need to fuck you, baby. Hard. I know you can take it, right?”

  She mumbled an agreement, still panting and moaning from her orgasm. I lifted her off my cock with a tortured groan and spun her around to face me. Backing her up the wall, I grasped her ass and raised her high enough for me to drive home. She immediately came, screaming my name.

  “The feeling of you coming around my cock is unbelievable, Evie. Give me more of it.” I increased the power of my thrusts, my hands gripping her ass hard enough to bruise. Her legs encircled my waist and her head fell back against the wall with a soft thump.

  “I can’t,” she whined. “Just finish, Alex. I can’t come again.”

  Smirking, I leaned in close so my face was a breath away from hers. “You know better than to give me a challenge like that, baby,” I growled.

  My hips moved back and forth with power, driving deep each time. When she was writhing once again, I used my thumb to press down on her clit. She went off like a fucking rocket, her screams music to my ears. But, I was an over achiever, so winning the challenge just once wasn’t my style. I sucked up all of my restraint and slowed down while her racing heart calmed.

  “Alex,” she whimpered. “Please.”

  “One more, baby. Then I’ll let you rest. I know you can give me another. Your body is already tingling with need, isn’t it? I can see the beautiful blush on your skin, your hard little nipples, and your pussy is holding me so tight I can barely move in and out. Fuck! The feel of your pussy—Oh fuck! Come on, baby. Do it.”

  I put everything I had into my movements, driving her higher and higher, and going right along with her.

  “Yes! Yes! Oh, Alex! Yes!” she was shouting the fucking walls down.

  “Keep it down, baby. I love to hear you screaming my name, but it’s for me only. Nobody else gets to hear you come.” I decided to help her out and crashed my mouth down over hers. My balls drew up, and I knew I was about to fall over the edge so I took two fingers this time and pinched her clit, swallowing her screams as she gave me the orgasm I demanded.

  I let go and sensation after sensation washed over me as I came. Long, hot jets of semen shot from my cock in spurts. I filled her to the brim, my come leaking out of her pussy.

  Eventually, our breathing slowed and our hearts returned to a steady beat. I hastily washed myself, then took my time gently cleansing her from head to toe. After we were done and dry, I lifted her naked body into my arms and strode to the bed. Using one hand to pull the covers away, I helped her slip between the sheets. I quickly checked the bolts on the door and windows, then shut off the light and got into bed with my wife.

  I wrapped myself around her from behind, throwing a leg over hers, one arm under her head, and the other splayed over her belly.

  “Alex,” she called softly.

  Kissing her temple, I rested my cheek on her silky hair. “What, baby?”

  “What do we do now?”

  That was a loaded fucking question and I didn’t know the answer. The best I had was to focus on the mission.

  “I guess we’ll team up and find the son of a bitch.”

  “And then?”

  I sighed, having no solution. Only one of us could succeed in our assignment.

  “I don’t know, baby. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  We lay in silence awhile, and I thought maybe she’d fallen asleep until she shifted her head to look up at me. “I love you.”

  My heart burst with the same warmth it always did when she professed her love.

  “I love you too, my Evie. Until death do we part. And forever after.”

  Chapter 5


  For a brief moment, when I woke up in the middle of the night with Alex’s body wrapped around mine and the sounds of Rome filling the air, I thought we were on vacation in our villa. I snuggled into his hold, letting my eyes drift shut again and intending to fall back asleep when it hit me—my lawyer husband was an operative. Not just your everyday, ordinary spy either. Justice was the guy they called in when The Company needed answers and the target wasn’t inclined to offer any. Considering his reputation and the kind of cases his name was connected with, it was hard to believe we hadn’t been assigned the same target before Heron. Not unless one of the higher ups had been protecting our cover identities from possible discovery, intent on making use of us for as long as they could.

  It galled me to know someone in the agency knew we’d married each other and played God with our lives by hiding the truth from us. And yet, I also treasured all the years we’d spent together in the dark. Time we might not have otherwise had if I’d known Alex was Justice. It probably would have messe
d with my mind knowing I’d fallen for a fellow operative, leading me to think it had all been planned with the intention of keeping tabs on me. What better way to know what your lone wolf assassin was up to during her off time than to insert someone into her life, right? I might have fought my feelings for Alex back then, but I was in too deep to do so after spending four blissful years with him. There was no doubting the depth of our feelings for each other—or the stunned shock in Alex’s eyes when he realized I was Scarlett.

  I’d never intended for him to see the darker side of me, but there was no hiding it from him once he knew my code name. My reputation had preceded me, and the silence which stretched between us when we’d reached the hotel almost had me convinced that Alex wouldn’t be able to deal with the reality of what I’d done, even if it was in defense of our country. The relief I’d felt when he’d joined me in the shower was staggering. He hadn’t backed away from me in fear or disgust. If anything, the force of his passion had been stronger than before. More explosive, if that was even possible, considering how amazing it had always been between us.

  I’d been helpless to resist his sensual demands last night, as he forced orgasm upon orgasm on me. Not that I was complaining, because I’d enjoyed the hell out of it. I’d enjoyed the power he’d held over me, several times in fact, but I wanted to get a little of my own back. Exert some dominance of my own and drive him beyond reason, the way he had with me.

  Shifting out of his hold, I tugged the sheet down his muscular form, savoring the sight of his tanned skin as it was exposed to my sight. Trailing my fingertips down his chest, I kept my eyes locked on his as I moved to kneel between his legs. When I leaned over him, my hair brushed over his chest and his eyes popped open. Holding his gaze, I lowered my head and flicked my tongue over one of his nipples, while rolling the other between my finger and thumb. As I raked my teeth over his nipple, I felt his cock jump in reaction, hot and hard against my belly.