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- Fiona Davenport
Contingency Plan Page 5
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Page 5
Elisa whirled around and snatched the coat from my hands. She glared daggers at me as she slipped it over her shoulders and buttoned it up. “Thank you, Brysen, for telling me how beautiful I look tonight. How sexy this dress looks on me, and that you can’t wait to show me off. That’s what you meant to say, right?” I didn’t respond, my anger fuming, but slowly deflating at the hint of hurt in her voice.
“I’m sorry, baby,” I said, stepping closer. “You look absolutely amazing. But no one should see you practically naked, except me. I don’t share.”
“Brysen, you bought the dress for me, don’t tell me you didn’t notice the back.”
I cleared my throat, slightly embarrassed. “Yeah...I had my assistant pick it out.”
Elisa rolled her eyes. “Serves you right for not picking it out on your own, babe. You have only yourself to blame.”
My eyes narrowed, my ire sparking again, but it quickly burnt out. She was right.
“Will you at least put on some underwear?” I grumbled.
“Oh, fine, you big baby,” she said as she walked into the bedroom. A minute later, I was helping her into her coat again, doubly thankful I’d planned a dinner where I’d have her all to myself without needing to worry about every guy in the room watching her with hungry eyes.
Chapter 10
“I’m speechless.” Understandably so. There were no words to describe how incredible our night had been so far and it had barely started. When Brysen took me to the gondola, I assumed we were going to have dinner at the restaurant on top of the mountain. When we got on board and there was a bottle of champagne chilling and no other passengers, I figured he’d made arrangements for our ride up to be private. Then a waiter served us crab stuffed mushrooms when we reached the first stop and I realized this was our dinner date—the two of us hanging over the mountain, completely alone, as we ate a gourmet meal with all my favorite dishes.
“It’s only fair since the sight of you often leaves me without words,” he murmured, trailing a finger up my arm. “I guess they’re right when they say love makes you speechless.”
It seemed like time stood still as what he’d said registered in my brain. My heart leapt in my chest while butterflies swirled in my stomach. Brysen Mariano, the renowned playboy quarterback, had just used the four letter word every woman wanted to hear. And he’d said it to me. Okay, he hadn’t quite said it directly to me, but the sentiment was there just the same. I was even more shocked by how I wanted to respond. We hadn’t even known each other a month, but I already had his ring on my finger and love in my heart. It hadn’t hit me before this moment, but I loved Brysen. I should have realized it when I told him yes this morning, but I’d fooled myself into thinking my feelings would grow into love as we got to know each other better.
“Yeah, I guess they are,” I agreed. I almost confessed the depth of my feelings, but the opening of the doors as we reached the next station interrupted me. The moment was lost while the waiter quickly cleared the table and served the next course: a delicious salad of mixed greens, berries, and nuts paired with a sweet white wine, Seven Daughters Moscato. I loved the choice of wine, but it wasn’t up to the usual standards for what Brysen would pick since it only cost about ten dollars a bottle.
It seemed out of place with the rest of the gourmet meal, but Brysen didn’t appear to mind. We polished off the bottle as we cuddled close and devoured our meal. Bacon-wrapped filets cooked to a perfect medium served with au gratin potatoes and asparagus. Since it wasn’t in season, it was entirely possible the vegetables cost more than the wine.
I giggled at the thought and Brysen’s gaze heated. “Best damn sound in the world.”
My laughter died in my throat. “What do you mean?”
“Two things I want to hear for the rest of my life: your laughter and the sound you make when you come. I live, and would happily die, for both.”
Holy moly, this man knew exactly what to say to press all the right buttons. I didn’t know what I’d done to deserve him, but I would forever be grateful for having him in my life. “I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much as I do when I’m with you.”
“I guess I’d better up my game.”
“What?” I sputtered. I didn’t think I’d survive it if he did. “Why?”
“Making you laugh more than anyone else feels good, but I’ll be damn sure the same goes for your orgasms.”
“Oh, Brysen,” I whispered, “if you only knew.”
“Knew what, baby?”
With his brown eyes locked on my face and the gondola slowing down for the next stop, I made an admission I never thought I’d say aloud. “You’re the only man who’s ever made me come.”
“Fuck,” he hissed, dragging me onto his lap while the doors opened. “It’s a good thing we’re almost back at the bottom of the mountain because I’m going to enjoy it even more knowing I’m the only person who’s ever heard those sounds escape your mouth.”
“Forget dessert. Can’t this thing go any faster?” I joked in a desperate attempt to lighten the mood before I ripped the clothes off his body without a care for who could see us.
“Don’t speak too soon,” he said, gesturing toward the covered dish on the table.
I lifted the lid and gasped in surprise. “A chocolate soufflé? Seriously, how did you know all my favorites?”
“I remember every word you’ve said to me since we met. Etched into my fucking memory because of my need to know everything I could about you.”
I dropped the spoon I’d just filled with chocolaty goodness onto my plate and wrapped my arms around him. “Please tell me this ride is almost over and we can take our dessert back to the suite for later.”
“The soufflé is your dessert, baby. The chef couldn’t make what I really wanted to eat.” His hand slid under my dress, making what he wanted for his dessert obvious.
My legs slid open and I felt his fingers brush against the gusset of my panties. “This has been the most romantic dinner in the history of all dinner dates, but please tell me we can head to our room soon. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
Brysen looked over my shoulder before sliding my panties to the side and sinking a finger into my pussy. “No need to wait, baby.” His hand twisted so his thumb teased my clit while he fucked me with his fingers. He drove me to the peak fast and hard. “Come for me now.”
I splintered apart, shuddering in his arms as the doors opened again. Flipping my dress back into place before the waiter entered the gondola, Brysen grabbed my coat from his outstretched hand and hustled me into it, not giving me the chance to be embarrassed. Then he lifted me into his arms and carried me to a horse-drawn carriage waiting at the bottom of the steps. The minute we were settled with a blanket over our laps, Brysen’s mouth claimed mine in a deep kiss. By the time we made it to the front of the hotel, my lips were swollen and I was panting with need.
We raced for the elevator, our lips barely leaving each other’s as it climbed the floors to the top. The second the suite door closed behind us, Brysen pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees on the floor. My breath caught in my throat as he shoved the bottom of my dress up and yanked my panties down my thighs, tearing them off in the process. Then his tongue darted out, swiping against my pussy, and my head banged against the wall.
“Brysen,” I moaned, forcing my legs wider to give him better access while he ate my pussy like a starving man—licking, sucking, and nibbling until I was a quivering mess.
“Could die a happy man with your taste in my mouth,” he murmured.
“Not before I get to feel you come inside me.” I dropped to my knees next to him and pushed him to the floor so I could straddle him. My motions were frantic as I ripped his belt from the buckle and unzipped his pants. He lifted up, letting me shove them down his legs. I leveled my body over his until my sex was poised over his cock.
I was soaked from my climax earlier and there was no resistance when he slid
up inside of me, pulling me flush against his body. I gripped his shoulders and pushed down until he was buried deep.
“You better fucking move unless you want me to flip you over and fuck you hard,” he ordered, his fingers clenching against my hips.
I rotated my hips, making sure to rub my clit against his pelvic bone at the end of each roll. He only gave me a handful of swivels before he lost his patience and took over. He angled his cock and powered up, his grip bordering on painful as he found a spot that drove me wild with need. He hammered into me, our eyes locked while he pushed me to the edge.
“So fucking close, baby,” he moaned.
“Come for me,” I whispered, echoing his words from earlier.
One hand slipped from my hip and his thumb found my clit, rubbing hard. “Not without you.”
The need in his voice sent me over. My walls clenched against him, milking his orgasm from his cock as I took him with me. We spent the rest of the night entwined in each other’s arms in bed, coming together several more times until I finally passed out in an exhausted heap.
I was disoriented when I woke up the next morning, reaching out for Brysen and finding the bed empty. The low murmur of voices from the other room drifted toward me and I realized that’s what had woken me up. I didn’t know how long ago Brysen had left our bed, but I did know I was still exhausted and he had to be too. I grabbed the robe he’d left for me on the knob of the bathroom door and jerked it closed with a sharp tug on the belt. I couldn’t walk out there naked because Brysen wasn’t alone. There was a woman out there with him.
I entered the living room cautiously, not sure what I would find. When my eyes landed on Brysen and the woman I’d heard speaking, I gasped in surprise. “Charlotte? What are you doing here?”
Chapter 11
Charlotte and I ceased speaking at the sound of Elisa’s question. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom, her eyes sleepy, hair adorably mussed, and had the glow of someone who had been well loved. It warmed me everywhere, but especially my heart, to know this was what I would have for the rest of my life—waking up with the most amazing woman at my side.
Elisa glanced back and forth between Charlotte and me, her expression confused. I wanted to take the lead in the conversation, but Charlotte placed a hand on my arm and whispered, “Let me.” I nodded, appreciating Charlotte’s gesture.
“Hey, Lissa.” She gave a little half wave and a slightly sheepish smile, then rushed over to throw her arms around Elisa.
“What are you doing here?” Elisa asked, her brows furrowed. “Aren’t you supposed to be finishing your paper this weekend? Charlotte, please tell me it’s already done!” At the end, she was practically screeching in alarm.
“Keep your panties on, Lissa.”
I smiled, remembering Elisa using a very similar phrase the day before. It was cute how Charlotte imitated her older sister.
Charlotte took Elisa by the elbow and led her over to the couch as she explained, “I convinced the professor to give me an extension, considering the circumstances. He was a pain in the ass about it at first, but I can be very persuasive.”
“Circumstances...?” Elisa was clearly becoming even more lost as to what was happening.
“Well, when Brysen called to tell me you guys were getting married—we’ll discuss why I didn’t know you were dating anyone, much less engaged later—” Charlotte gave her stern glare, “I wasn’t going to miss my big sister’s wedding.”
Elisa laughed and waved her off. “For crying out loud, Charlotte. We got engaged two days ago. I hardly think you’re in danger of missing the wedding.”
Charlotte grabbed her hand. “Holy fuck, Liss! I could see this rock from space!” Elisa turned a charming shade of pink—a blush I knew would spread over her entire body. I contemplated kicking Charlotte out for an hour so I could indulge in a morning fuck, but we had too much to do.
I decided it was my turn to step in; she was taking too long to explain. “Did you bring it?” I asked Charlotte as I approached them and sat at Elisa’s side.
“Bring what?” Elisa piped up.
“Mom’s dress,” Charlotte answered, almost reverently.
“What dress—wait, mom’s wedding dress?” Elisa looked a little shell-shocked. She could see where this was heading, but apparently, she didn’t believe it.
“Charlotte, would you give us a few minutes please? Elisa will meet you down at the spa in an hour.”
Charlotte looked like she wanted to argue, but raising a single eyebrow, I made it clear it was not a request.
“Go ahead,” Elisa told her. “Brysen and I obviously need to have a conversation.”
Once Charlotte left the room, I did what I’d needed to do since I saw her standing in that doorway. I dragged her into my arms and kissed her deeply, only coming up for air when I knew I was on the precipice of not being able to stop.
I took advantage of the daze I’d put her in and started explaining. “Elisa, I invited Charlotte, Maddie, and Caleb here to attend our wedding.”
Elisa laughed and shook her head. “Brysen, I think the engagement was enough, we don’t need to get married now just to prove something to my ex.”
My temper boiled at the assumption that the dipshit would have any relevance in my wanting to marry her. I kept it in check and continued. “I’m marrying you today for no other reason than I cannot wait to begin my life with you. You are my everything, baby. I need to know you are mine forever, and to make damn sure everyone else knows it. I want to call myself your husband, to come home to you as my wife every night, and be a father to our children as soon as possible.”
“But,” she paused, her brown eyes wary and unsure.
“What, baby?”
She glanced away and bit her bottom lip, distracting me with the desire to have it in my mouth instead.
“We...um,” she cleared her throat, “we haven’t even said ‘I love you’.”
Holy fuck. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t told her. I could have sworn I’d said the words the night before. Then I remembered, I’d spoken of being in love, but had not come right out and said it.
I grasped her chin and forced her eyes up to meet mine. “You’re right. I’m sorry I didn’t make this more special, baby. I honestly meant to tell you last night. I love you. From the first moment I saw you, I was bewitched and fell head over heels. Every day, I think I couldn’t possibly love you more, then I wake up and find I was wrong. Every time you laugh, every time you fall apart with my name on your lips, I am tethered that much tighter to you. I will love you forever, Elisa, and I want forever to start today.”
Her eyes had become wide as saucers, her mouth parted, and that blush I loved so much spread across her freckles.
I waited in silence for a few minutes, but patience was not a virtue I possessed. “I know you love me, baby, but I want to hear the words. I need to hear them.”
She seemed to break out of whatever trance she was in and threw herself into my arms. “I love you, Brysen! I don’t know how it’s possible to love you so much after only a few weeks, but I do.”
Relief flooded my body. I’d known the truth of it, yet hearing her say it was better than I could have ever imagined. Our mouths met with urgency and I no longer cared how much we had to get done. I scooped her into my arms and stood, stalking to the bedroom where I followed her down onto the bed.
I lifted up, braced on one side, and slid a finger down the parted robe, loosening the knot and opening the sides, displaying her naked body. I cupped one rounded tit in my hand, squeezing and feeling the nipple harden beneath my palm. Then I slid my hand down over her belly, circling a finger around her navel and ending at the lips of her pussy. She was glistening with arousal, already soaking wet.
“I love how you respond to me, baby. You’re always ready for me.”
She mewled as I dipped one finger into her folds, her chest arching. It left me no choice but to suck one firm, little peak into my mou
I wanted to worship her body, to take my time and explore every single inch. However, I knew we were running short on time. I bit down lightly on her nipple before letting it go. “I need you, but we don’t have time for me to make love to you. This is going to be a hard, quick fuck,” I growled.
“Yes,” she moaned. “I want it hard. Fuck me, Brysen.”
I loved when dirty words spilled from my girl’s mouth. It was a fucking turn on and I let my control go, my baser instincts taking over. Moving on top of her, I spread her legs as wide as they would go and lined my cock up to her pussy. Then I thrust in hard, sheathing myself completely.
“Fuck! You are so tight, baby.” At my words, her pussy clenched. “Yes, Elisa. Squeeze me. Fuck, that’s good.”
I began to move and after only two thrusts, I was pounding into her, our skin slapping together, the bed creaking with the force of my movements.
“I want you to feel me the rest of the day. To walk down the aisle with every step reminding you whom you belong to. Thinking about what my cock can do to this fucking delicious pussy.”
Her whimpers quickly turned into passionate cries and when her walls began to clench, I was ready to go over the edge with her.
Angling so my pelvis rubbed over her bundle of nerves, I brought my mouth to her ear and bit the lobe before whispering, “Let go, baby. We’ll do it together.” She splintered apart and I went right along with her. I pushed in as deep as possible and felt my come release in hot spurts, filling her with me, marking her from the inside out.
“I fucking love you,” I gasped, my body still quaking with aftershocks.
Elisa slipped her arms around my waist and embraced me, sighing, “I fucking love you, too.”