Dusk Before Dawn Read online

Page 4

  I took a single step back, just far enough to turn her to face me. Without my hands in her bodice, her dress began to slither down her body. My eyes dropped to her plump lips, and I covered them with my own, my tongue seeking and gaining entrance. I swirled it around, learning the contours of her mouth, soaking up her taste, and dancing with her tongue. While our mouths were occupied, I helped her clothes make the final trek to pool around her feet on the floor.

  Walking her backward to the bed, I groaned as I continued to devour her. Her hands came up to my biceps, and she gripped them tight as she tentatively began to explore my mouth. After a minute, they slid up to my shoulders, then into my hair, where she twisted her fingers into the strands. Her grip was firm, and she pulled my head down so she could kiss me back with more fervor. Her boldness was hot as fuck, and my dick swelled so much that I was a little surprised I didn’t come right then.

  I didn’t imagine it would be very long before that happened, though. It wasn’t as if I had any experience. My cock hadn’t even worked for my own hand. It would only serve to pleasure my consort. However, I was determined to make her come before I lost all control.

  Without separating from her lips, I swept her up into my arms and gently placed her on the bed. Then I reluctantly dragged my mouth from hers and swept my eyes over my prize. Damn. She was so fucking gorgeous. I had no idea how I’d gotten so lucky to have a consort who was clearly a kind, intelligent, and sensual woman with a body made for sin. I didn’t deserve her, but nothing in heaven, Earth, or hell would stop me from keeping her.

  A wicked smile appeared on my face when I saw the pink flush over her skin, starting at her cheeks and spreading down until it reached her mound. The hue disappeared into her blue, lace panties, and I frowned at the offending scrap of fabric. With one quick motion, I tore them from her body and tossed them away.

  The need to feel her skin pressed against mine engulfed me, and I grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it over my head. “You’ve been through a lot tonight,” I started to explain as I unbuckled my belt. “And had a lot of life-altering information tossed your way.”

  Unthreading the leather binding from my belt loops, I kept talking as I dropped it to the floor. “Until we’ve dealt with your aunt and you’ve had time to ask all of your questions and accept your new circumstances, I won’t complete the mating ceremony.”

  She looked as though she wanted to say something, but I wasn’t done and kept going. “But make no mistake, baby. It will happen, and very soon. That is absolutely non-negotiable.”

  I unzipped my jeans and shoved them to the floor, leaving me in only my boxer briefs. “Right now”—next went the underwear so I was standing nude in front of her, my long, thick cock bobbing with excitement and leaving little wet spots on my stomach—“I’m going to eat your pussy until you’re screaming my name. Then I’m going to fuck you until the sun comes up.”

  Thana’s blush covered almost every inch of her body, but her blue eyes were burning with desire. They were filled with hunger as she looked me over from head to toe. When her gaze landed on my shaft, she gaped, her mouth making a cute little O. “I don’t think it’s going to fit.”

  I smiled tenderly as I climbed onto the bed and knelt between her legs. I could understand her fear, considering that I towered over her and her small frame looked breakable next to my large, muscular one. “We were made for each other, baby. Our bodies are meant to fit together perfectly.”

  My hands ran up the insides of her thighs until they reached the bare, glistening folds of her sex. “But I promise to make sure you’re ready for me.”

  I parted her lips with my thumbs, and my mouth watered at the aroma wafting up and tickling my nose. “Your arousal smells incredible,” I breathed. I shifted down to my stomach, and to my surprise, my shy little consort widened her legs, giving me room to wedge my shoulders between them. I shot her a devilish wink, chuckling at the adorable stain of color that deepened on her cheeks.

  My focus returned to the task at hand, and I slipped my hands under her ass so I could raise her up to my mouth. “So pink and wet,” I groaned. “One of these days, I’m going to drink from you here. But let’s start with a taste of your honey.”

  With the first swipe of my tongue, I felt something akin to bloodlust flood my body. I licked and sucked Thana’s juicy center like she was my first meal after a long fast. I speared my tongue into her tight, virgin hole, and groaned as I imagined how her channel would grip my cock.

  “Kieran,” she moaned, her hands grasping at the sheets while she writhed with unspent passion. “What’s happening to me?”

  She sounded genuinely alarmed, and I raised my head. “Thana, look at me.”

  Her blue eyes met mine, and while I spied the worry, they were still clouded with need. “Trust me to take care of you. Just let go. Can you do that for me?” She swallowed hard but nodded. “Just keep your eyes on me, baby,” I instructed.

  With our gazes locked, I returned to my ministrations, and soon, she was shouting my name as she came. It was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in nearly a millennium. My cock was leaking steadily, and my canines were fully extended, tingling with the desire to sink into her creamy flesh.

  After placing a soft kiss on her mound and one on each sticky thigh, I got on all fours and crawled up until my mouth was level with her gorgeous breasts. I licked around one hard, rosy peak before sucking it into my mouth.

  Thana cried out and arched her back, her hands flying up to tunnel her fingers into my hair. I sucked and licked each nipple for a minute or two, but I didn’t have much control left, so I moved on to her mouth.

  When our lips touched, it sent a zing of electricity through me, tantalizing every nerve in my body. Grabbing under her thighs, I put her legs around my waist, bringing my cock flush with her slick pussy. “Fuck,” I grunted as I rocked into her, sliding easily with my dick coated in her arousal. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  Thana’s clear blue eyes met mine. “Then don’t.”

  I kissed her again as I grabbed the base of my cock and lined it up with her opening. The thought of the pain I was forced to cause her made me pause, but it was quickly overpowered by my need to make this woman mine.

  As gently as I could manage, I inched into her tight, wet heat. I gasped when her muscles clamped down on me, and it took everything I had not to drive home in one hard thrust. “Relax, baby,” I rasped. I kissed her again, before trailing down her neck and sucking on the spot where my fangs would eventually mark her as mine.

  Oh, I was going to taste her tonight, but I wanted to leave that spot untouched until our mating ceremony. It wasn’t necessary but waiting just felt right.

  Thana’s body lost some of its tension, allowing my rod to sink in a little farther. When I felt the thin barrier of her innocence, I wanted to roar and beat my chest like a fucking caveman. I knew Thana would come to me untouched, but it was still a fucking intense satisfaction to feel the proof.

  “Take a deep breath, baby,” I whispered in her ear before moving my mouth to the opposite side of her neck. Her chest rose as she inhaled, pressing her ripe breasts against me. “Good girl, now let it out nice and slow.” As she exhaled, I simultaneously struck with my fangs as my hips punched forward, submerging my cock in her depths until my balls slapped against her bottom.

  Thana didn’t have time to see it coming or even really notice the pain because the bite of a consort during sex was one of the most erotic experiences we could have. It tossed her over the edge so fast her whole body bowed as she screamed in ecstasy.

  My control was gone. I drank the sweetest ambrosia from her neck while I pounded in and out of her like a fucking madman. Eventually, I pulled back and closed her wound with a lick of my tongue. Then I reached up and wrapped my fingers around the headboard for better leverage as I slammed into her pussy, making the mattress squeak in protest with every thrust.

  “Yes, Kieran. Oh, yes!” Before she’d come down from the
first orgasm, she was tossed over once again.

  I felt a tingling in my lower back, and my balls swelled even more, ready to shoot my load through my cock and fill her womb.

  “Fuck, Thana,” I groaned. “Oh, yeah, baby. Feel how you were made to take my cock? Oh, fuck, yeah. That’s it, baby, squeeze that tight pussy and make me come. Oh, yeah. Good girl. Fuck! Oh, fuck, Thana! Yes! Fuuuuuuck!”

  I roared as my climax tore through me with the force of a tornado. Sending me into a spiral before tossing me out into the turbulent thunderstorm. My hands clenched the headboard, and I vaguely registered the crack of the wood as I buried myself deep one last time, and my cock erupted. Releasing the mangled furniture, I dropped down and, once again, sank my fangs into Thana’s beautiful neck, tasting the extra sweetness from her orgasm.

  I filled her virgin womb with my come while I filled my body with her blood.



  When I woke the next morning, I reached out and grumbled when I discovered I was alone. I wasn’t sure what time it was since the curtains were drawn and only the slightest bit of sunlight peeked through the edges, but Kieran’s side of the bed was already cold. Rolling over, I blinked my eyes open and stared at the canopy overhead with a small smile. I had experienced such highs and lows over the past day, and I was amazed by how much my life had changed. A whole new world had opened up for me—complete with my very own anti-hero who’d taken my virginity.

  Pushing up on my elbow, I let out a little sigh at the aches I had from our sexual exploits throughout the night. I didn’t mind the hint of pain because the mind-blowing pleasure Kieran had given me was more than worth the small sacrifice. My smile widened as I remembered what it had felt like to have my sexy vampire thrusting deep inside me while sinking his fangs into my neck. I could hardly wait to repeat the experience, but I needed to figure out where he was in order to make that happen.

  Sitting up, I brought the sheets to my chest while I scanned the room for something to wear. Kieran must have thought about what I’d need when I woke up because there was a button-up white shirt and a pair of men’s pajama bottoms laid out on the end of the bed. I rolled off the mattress and grabbed them before padding into the bathroom, where I found a new toothbrush waiting for me.

  I was pulling on the pajama pants after getting cleaned up when my system was flooded by a rush of anger. It took me a moment to realize the emotion wasn’t coming from me—I was experiencing what Kieran was feeling. We’d been too distracted by the sensual pleasures we’d shared for me to learn more about how the bond between a fated consort and daywalker worked, but the connection between us this morning was impossible to miss. Rushing out of the bathroom, I yelled, “Kieran, where are you?”

  “Down here,” he called from downstairs.

  I ran through the bedroom and out into the hall. “What’s wrong?”

  When I reached the top of the stairs, I heard my aunt’s voice and no longer needed an answer—she was the cause of his anger. The foyer was quickly becoming my least favorite room in Kieran’s house. It seemed as though every time I walked through it, there was a confrontation of some kind. At least this time, nobody was going to burst into flames and disappear into a pile of ashes...although Kieran just might end up killing Aunt Judy if she acted like her normal self.

  “What in the hell happened last night?” she shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air. “We thought you and Jonathan hit it off better than we expected when you didn’t return from your little walk in the garden. But then the Thackers called me this morning, frantic because there was no sign of you or Jonathan. They’ve even been in touch with the police, who’ve been barely any help since there was no sign of foul play.”

  I stumbled to a stop, gaping at her. “You went home last night without knowing where I was? After springing a surprise engagement on me and shoving me out the door with a stranger who thought he was my fiancé?”

  She heaved a deep sigh and rolled her eyes. “Well, when neither of you joined us for dinner—”

  “You ate dinner with the Thackers?” I interrupted her with a screech, stunned that she had carried on last night as though nothing was wrong while I’d been literally running for my life. For all my aunt had known, I could have been raped and murdered. “Heaven forbid you let concern for my well-being interfere with a nice meal or your sleep.”

  “Now you’re just being melodramatic.” She gestured toward me with a wave of her hand. “I assumed you two had run off to be together and simply lost track of time. But when you didn’t answer your phone, I figured it would be best if I checked the tracker, only to find that you were right next door.” Her eyes swept over Kieran in a way that made my skin crawl. “Other than your dreadful wardrobe, you look none the worse for wear after your adventure from last evening.”

  “Adventure?” I seethed, not even bothering to respond to the fact that she’d put a tracker on me. Nor did it escape my notice that the Thackers had called her in the morning and a quick glance at a beautiful, old grandfather clock marked the time as a little after two in the afternoon.

  Kieran must have sensed that I felt as though my head was going to explode because he moved to my side and stroked his hand down my back. Having him near helped me rein in my temper, which was a good thing because I didn’t want to say anything that would put his secrets at risk. I wouldn’t trust my aunt with a houseplant, let alone information that could put Kieran’s very existence at risk. “I’d hardly use that term for the preposterous scheme you tried to pull. And now I’m apparently going to need to speak to the police because you pulled me into this mess? Gee, Aunt Judy, you really know how to make a birthday celebration something to remember.”

  “Don’t try to place the blame for all of this on me, young lady.” She wagged her finger in my direction as Kieran wrapped his arm around my waist. “If I had known you were already dating someone appropriate, I never would have agreed to the arrangement with the Thackers in the first place.”

  I sputtered, my shock at her audacity taking away my ability to speak. Luckily, Kieran didn’t suffer from the same problem. “I’m afraid I’m to blame for all of the secrecy. I wanted to give Thana time to adjust to having me in her life before we went public with our relationship.”

  “Telling me is hardly going public. I’m her family, for goodness' sake.” Aunt Judy pressed her hand to her chest in an exaggerated gesture of affront while her beady eyes gleamed as she took in the grandeur of the foyer.

  I leaned into Kieran’s side, feeling an odd mixture of shame that he was seeing firsthand how my aunt placed money over my happiness and relief over the fact that she wasn't going to try to sway me against him. At least not when there was a chance that there could be something in it for her. Which Kieran picked up on right away and used to his advantage. “You’re quite right. I’m terribly sorry we didn’t think to include you in our happy news sooner. We’ll have to find a way to make it up to you. Maybe a nice, long trip somewhere? Wherever you’d like to go, my treat.”

  “That would be lovely.” Aunt Judy flashed him a blinding smile. “I haven’t been to Europe in a while. Although, I suppose I can’t leave until all this drama with the Thackers is settled.”

  I should have been amazed by how quickly she switched her alliance, but nothing Aunt Judy did would surprise me anymore after last night. Pressing my lips together, I forced them into a semblance of a smile and kept quiet while Kieran continued to handle her beautifully. “I’m not certain how much help Thana and I will be to the police since she came straight over here after breaking poor Jonathan’s heart, but we’ll be more than happy to speak with them once Thana is dressed for visitors.”

  “Oh, of course. It wouldn’t do to have anyone else see her like this,” Aunt Judy tittered. “I’m sure the police won’t be too much of a bother. I’ll go next door to let them know our dear Thana is safe and sound with you.”

  Kieran pulled me closer into his side. “Please do. The quicker we ans
wer their questions, the sooner you can be off on your voyage.”

  She clapped her hands together. “I’ll also be sure to let them know the Thackers are overreacting. They’ve spoiled Jonathan all his life. He probably ran off to drown his sorrows because he’s never had to handle rejection before.”

  “I appreciate your help in dealing with them.” Kieran moved to the door and opened it. “I’ll have my assistant reach out to you to arrange the particulars for your trip.”

  My aunt was so focused on what she could get out of Kieran that she didn’t realize he’d literally shown her the door. When he shut it behind her, I asked, “What are we going to tell the police?”

  “Your aunt’s idea is as good as anything I might have come up with.” Kieran shrugged before walking over to me and pressing a kiss to my forehead. “When they stop by, I’ll persuade them into believing that’s what happened. Then I’ll pay the Thackers a little visit to ensure they buy the story as well.”

  Remembering what he’d told me about a vampire’s strengths last night, I realized why he didn’t seem concerned. “Sending my aunt on a European tour was a stroke of genius, but you could have just compelled her into being nicer or something.”

  “As awful as she is, she’s your only living relative. I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about me messing with her head like that,” he explained as he led me toward the back of the house. “And I didn’t want to spend every visit with her using compulsion so she wouldn’t say something that incited me to end her miserable life. Sending her away killed two birds with one stone. The second being that her presence simply pisses me the fuck off.”

  Smiling up at him, I urged, “Feel free to do whatever it takes to keep her out of our hair.”

  “Consider it done.” He paused to kiss the daylights out of me. “Now that we have that settled, I think it’s high time we celebrate your birthday.”


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