Passion (Mafia Ties: Brandon & Carly Book 3) Page 4
But, I focused on my purpose for being at our location. I couldn’t wait to see her expression at my surprise. My girl deserved a break and a reward after working so hard lately.
I’d always known Carly had a good head on her shoulders, but in the last several weeks, she’d blown me away. I didn’t think it was possible to be more impressed. Her instincts for business were excellent and it didn’t take long for her to lay out a plan, one that would be very lucrative, and begin to implement it.
She also sold off her father’s personal assets, having no desire to ever be reminded of her life with him. We decided to move out of our apartment and find a home where our family could grow. Since I owned the building, we offered the place to Thomas when we eventually moved out.
One night, as we lay in bed talking quietly, Carly described the kind of life she dreamed of for our children. The childhood she wished she’d experienced, a happy home with loving parents, and laughter. The beautiful sounds of laughter and joy. She even gave me a vague picture of the kind of house she wanted. It gave me an idea, and I was on the phone with Nic the next morning. I turned my idea into a reality, one I was excited to share with Carly.
I opened the door at the top of the steps and swooped her up into my embrace. She yelped in surprise before it morphed into giggles.
“Open your eyes, kitten,” I whispered.
The moment her dark red lashes no longer shielded her emerald green pools, I carried her over the threshold.
“What are you—” Carly stopped suddenly, her gaze sweeping over the beautiful interior of a restored brick townhouse. Her mouth opened into a cute little O as awe dawned on her face. “Why are we here?” Her voice trembled and I prayed it was hope causing the tremor.
“Welcome home, kitten.”
Her smile was blinding, but I couldn’t look away, staring directly into the sun. “Are you serious?” She threw her arms around me and planted a kiss on my lips. Before I could deepen it, she was wiggling to get down.
“Hey now,” I grumbled. I set her on her feet, but kept her in the circle of my arms. “That wasn’t a proper thank you.”
She laughed and her next kiss was passionate and had me on the edge of simply dropping to the floor and fucking her right there in the entry of our new home.
She tore her lips away and moved her lips to my ear, purring, “Later, I’ll thank the fuck out of you.” I gasped when her hand squeezed my erection through my jeans. “Literally.”
I growled and made a grab for her as she danced out of my embrace. Her smile was infectious and I took her on a tour of the four-story brownstone, enjoying her exclamations of delight. The master suite was on the second floor and boasted a large bay window, complete with a seat and bookshelves on either side. She rushed over and took in the view while I waited patiently for the rest of my surprise to register.
I knew it had hit her when her hands flew up to cover her mouth and she turned to me, tears leaking from her beautiful eyes. She suddenly rushed me, and I barely managed to keep us upright as she jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms and legs around me.
“We’re two doors down from Nic and Anna!” she squealed. “I love this neighborhood!”
Clearly, I’d chosen right and I was willing to admit, my chest might have puffed up a little in pride. Grasping the back of her neck with one hand, I left the other firmly on her ass, supporting her. “I know, kitten. Now you can have everything you dreamed of.” Then I gently brought her face forward and crushed my mouth over hers.
“I love it, Bran. It’s perfect,” she mumbled against my lips. She deepened the kiss and my control snapped. I spun around and walked to the nearest wall, pressing her back into it. My rock hard dick ground into her center as I ravished her mouth, a deep groan rumbling from my chest.
“Brandon, we can’t,” she admonished, even as she squirmed closer and moaned.
“We own the fucking place, kitten,” I growled. “We’re just getting a jump start on christening every room.”
Our tongues tangled again, teeth clashing, lips sealed together. I was lost to her, frenzied with need and I couldn’t wait another second.
I unfasted my pants and released my cock before moving on to her zipper. “Fuck,” I grunted when it became obvious that her skinny jeans weren’t going to make this easy. I set her down and worked them over her hips, taking her underwear with it, then removing them altogether. All the while grousing about the lack of easy access and demanding she only wear skirts from then on.
Finally, she was free and I started to stand, but not before placing a kiss on the red curls at the apex of her thighs, then on her stomach where our baby grew. Back on my feet, I stepped out of my pants, whipped my shirt off, and helped her out of her t-shirt and bra.
My wife was fucking gorgeous. I grabbed her hand and strode over to the window seat, sitting. I turned her around and bit one luscious globe of her ass. She squeaked and squirmed, ending with a moan. Spreading her legs on either side of me, I dipped a finger into her pussy. “So fucking wet. You need me, kitten? Do you want my cock buried in your drenched pussy?”
“Yes,” she panted.
I took hold of her hips and guided her down, her heat slowly sheathing my cock until I was fully seated inside her. She didn’t waste any time moving in slow circles, whimpering every time my cock hit just the right spot. I slid my hands around to cup her tits, pinching her nipples, making the walls of her pussy clench.
“Fuck, that’s so good,” I gritted through clenched teeth. Her tight little pussy was squeezing me so tight, it was taking everything I had to keep from coming, my dick already leaking come. “More,” I rumbled. She started to bounce on my cock and my hips bucked up into her.
My fingers twisted and plucked her nipples while I nibbled on the back of her neck, leaving little bites, marking her with evidence so everyone who saw them would know she was taken. “That’s right, kitten. Take my cock deep, baby. Help me fuck you. Good girl,” I praised as she began to lift and drop, slamming down onto me.
Her cries of passion were escalating into screams, her body tightly wound and vibrating with tension. She was right there and I almost breathed a sigh of relief, so ready to let go. My balls and cock were so full and hard, I was in pain.
“You ready, kitten?”
“Yes! Please, Bran. I need to come. Oh! Oh, fuck, yes!”
I used my index and middle finger to manipulate her clit until she exploded, taking me with her. Her name thundered from me as I released jet after jet of come into her. When her tremors ceased, she slumped back, resting limply against me. I was sucking in air, trying to get my heart rate to return to normal. But then, there really was no normal when it came to my wife. If my heart wasn’t racing with need, it was bursting with love. I mentally shook my head at myself, I was starting to sound like a pussy.
Out of nowhere, Carly shrieked and jumped up from my lap, causing me to stand, shoving her behind me and looking around wildly for the threat. But, there was no one there. “What the hell?”
She pushed me aside and rushed over to her clothes, tossing mine over, my shirt landing on my head, and scrambled to get dressed.
Still confused, I tugged my shirt on and asked, “Where’s the fire, kitten?”
“We just gave our brand new neighbors a live sex show!” she yelled. I burst out laughing so hard I was forced to bend over, clutching my stomach. “Brandon! You’re mooning our entire street. Cover your ass up!”
She started mumbling about neighbors and first impressions as she streaked over to a large master bath and started finger combing her hair. I finished donning my clothes and ambled over, smirking, “Kitten, you might as well give up. Nothing is going to take away that freshly fucked look you have going on.”
She glared daggers at me, her hands dropping to her hips. I pried them away and tugged her into me, hugging her fiercely. I had an ace up my sleeve that was sure to make her forget the possibility, however unlikely, of someone seeing us fuck through the windo
“Do you want to see the backyard?”
She reared back, her eyes widening and her brows shooting up. Having a yard in Manhattan is rare, but when I went looking for a house to buy close to Nic and Anna, it was one of my requirements. I would do anything to give Carly everything she dreamed of, and her fantasy included a backyard where our little ones could play.
“Really?” she breathed.
I nodded and took her hand, silently leading her downstairs and out through a set of French doors in the back den. They opened up to a modest yard, but her eyes were immediately dawn to the last of my surprises.
In one corner of the lot was a play set, swings, and a play house. Every child’s dream backyard.
Her hands rested over her stomach as she gazed around. I walked up behind her and lay my hands on top of hers. “You’re going to have so much fun here, little peanut,” she whispered, looking down at where our baby grew in her belly. “You’ll be so happy, so loved.”
I kissed the top of Carly’s head, then rested my chin there. “You’re going to be an amazing mother, kitten.”
She leaned back into me, sighing contentedly, then giggled. “And you’re going to be a complete pushover. I can just see our little girls wrapping you around their fingers.”
I shuddered. “Girls? I don’t think I could handle the stress of more than one. Fuck, Carly. Look at you. You’re so damn beautiful. I’ll have to build them a fucking tower to keep all the boys away from my precious baby girls.”
Carly laughed and just like always, the sound washed over me, leaving only sweetness and pleasure in its wake. I had never longed for this life. A wife, baby, home; these were things that seemed almost abstract, something I might have in the future, but had none of my focus at the moment.
But, standing there, holding my wife and our baby, on the deck of our picturesque home, I realized there was nothing I would ever want more.
I’d experienced more than my fair share of pain in my life, but none of it fully prepared me for childbirth. My original plan had been to go the natural route. I figured I could do it without drugs, but I was wrong. Oh boy, was I fucking wrong. About an hour into my labor, Brandon was ordering the doctor around and telling her to do something to ease my pain. When they offered me an epidural, I accepted. It helped, but by the end of the next ten hours, I was sure I’d never want to have another baby. Then, the moment I held our beautiful baby girl in my arms, it was as though the hours of pain had never happened. “I can’t wait to do this again,” I sighed.
Brandon looked horrified at the idea. “Fuck no! I can’t watch you go through this again, kitten. I’m going to have to go in and get snipped or something.”
He looked just as horrified by the idea of letting a doctor near the family jewels, and I giggled while I traced the baby’s cheeks with a fingertip. Lowering my head, I nuzzled her dark curls, the shade an exact match to her daddy’s hair, and breathed her scent into my lungs. I had a secret weapon to help persuade Brandon to my way of thinking, and I wasn’t afraid to use it.
“I think someone wants her daddy to hold her.”
Strong hands reached for the baby and gently lifted her out of my arms. I’d been in awe of how small she was, and she looked even tinier held against Brandon’s chest. The sight of my tough and sexy husband holding our beautiful baby girl had tears filling my eyes. I’d never been happier than I was in that moment, and then Brandon added to my joy.
“Fine, but we’re going to wait a little bit before I knock you up again,” he agreed. “And the next one had better be a boy.”
“You’re only saying that because you want to pick the name the next time around.” We’d agreed early on in this pregnancy that I’d get to name any girls we had and Brandon would name the boys.
“It’s more like I know I’m going to need some help watching over you two.”
Our family grew, but Brandon didn’t get the help he was hoping for. We found ourselves in the delivery room again eleven and a half months later, and then again twelve months after that. Irish triplets, so to speak, since they were born so closely together. Three little girls I got to name—Regan, Claire, and Molly.
Showering at four o’clock in the afternoon might seem strange to some, but as the mother of three children under the age of four, I’d quickly learned to grab one during those rare times when they were all down for a nap together. Living so close to Anna, we helped each other out often, but she had her hands full with her own trio of children—Sophia, Niccolo Jr., and Natalia. With Sophia on her first week of summer break from school, Nic and Anna took the family on a vacation to the Bahamas. The girls missed their friends, and they’d been acting out a bit because of it. The minutes I’d managed to steal in the shower were glorious, and I felt like a new woman when I stepped out wrapped in a towel.
“So fucking gorgeous,” Brandon murmured from the doorway, his eyes hungry as they swept up and down my body. He padded into the room, shutting and locking the door behind him, then strode towards me purposefully. With a quick flick of his fingers, my towel dropped to the floor. Then he backed me up against the counter and lifted me onto it.
When he dropped to his knees, I gasped in surprise. “You’d better not make too much noise, or else you’ll wake the girls up,” he warned.
I nodded, biting down on my lip to keep from moaning when he buried his face against me. The last thing I wanted was to be interrupted before I came. He licked me with single-minded purpose, driving me to the edge quickly, as though he knew how desperate I was to climax. When he plunged two fingers inside me, stroking along the perfect spot, I couldn’t help the whimper which burst from my lips. His tongue moved up to my clit, and he sucked at it hard. With a twist of his wrist and another hard pull at my clit, I came. My hands tightened in his hair, and he nuzzled me through the powerful aftershocks. When I felt his head pull back, I looked down at him.
“I could eat you all day, but I know we don’t have much time before one of our hellions demands our attention,” he told me, rising to his feet and unbuttoning his pants.
I licked my lips hungrily as he pulled out his cock and pumped it a few times with his fist. I climbed off the counter, lowering myself to my knees in front of him. Just as I placed my hands on his thighs and bent forward to lick along his shaft, a sweet voice sounded outside the bathroom door.
“Mommy, I’m thirsty.”
My startled eyes flew towards the baby monitor on the corner of the counter next to the sink. The light was still on, but neither of us had heard a peep as Regan woke up and left her room.
“I’ll be right out,” I called to her, getting up and tossing my shirt over my head.
“She’s not even four yet,” Brandon grumbled as he stuffed his still hard cock into his pants. “She shouldn’t be able to sneak up on us so easily.”
“Regan might have your looks, but she’s light on her feet just like her mama.” I couldn’t help the pride in my tone, even considering what she’d stopped us from doing.
“If only she had better timing. It’s like the little cock-blocker knows exactly when to interrupt us,” he complained.
“Someone’s grouchy because he didn’t get to finish what he’d started,” I teased, in a great mood since I’d gotten a shower and an orgasm.
“Laugh now, kitten” he growled. “Because you’re the one who’s going to pay for it later.”
I was sure he meant it as a threat, but we both knew I’d more than enjoy whatever form of punishment he doled out later.
I was completely relaxed, leaning against Brandon’s side while I enjoyed a delicious slice of chocolate cake and a glass of wine. Anna and Nic were in much the same positon across from us. We’d finished cleaning up from an impromptu barbeque in our backyard about ten minutes ago, and the children had raced off to play in the yard. Sophia sat in the grass near the play set, her legs crossed while she texted wit
h friends on her cell phone. Regan and Niccolo Jr. were in a competition to see who could swing the highest, while Claire, Molly, and Natalia were busy pretending to cook in the play house.
“I forgot to tell you, the school called me about Niccolo this morning,” Nic told Anna. “Apparently, he gave another boy a black eye during recess.”
“My little boy hit someone?” she gasped, sounding horrified. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? We should have talked to him about it before coming over for dinner and letting him play with Regan like nothing bad happened today.”
“Calm down, bellissima,” he murmured soothingly while stroking her back. “He had a good reason to hit the other kid.”
“What could another kindergartner do that possibly warranted getting a black eye?”
Nic’s gaze slid towards Brandon, and I braced myself for his answer at the hint of apprehension I saw there.
“He tried to steal a kiss from Regan.”
My husband’s body stiffened as Nic’s response sunk in. “Some little punk tried to kiss my baby girl?”
“Blackening his eye seems like an overreaction when they’re only in kindergarten,” Anna inserted.
Brandon glared at her while I tried to stifle a giggle. Nic ignored us all and continued with his story.
“Niccolo said she went down the slide before he did, but he was less than a minute behind her. While she was waiting for him, the other boy cornered her and demanded a kiss. When he saw what was happening, Niccolo pulled him away from her and socked him one, right in the face.”
“Exactly as he should have done,” Brandon muttered.
“No less than what I would expect of my boy,” Nic agreed proudly.
“Remind me to buy him something special tomorrow,” Brandon told him. “Without boys of my own, I could use all the help he can give me watching out for my girls. I’m not above a little bribery to make sure I get it.”
“Bribes aren’t needed,” Nic replied.
“Maybe not, but I’m sure they’re appreciated.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Nic chuckled and waved his hand towards Regan. “From what my son told me, your daughter is more than able to defend herself. Part of the reason he was so easily able to get the boy away from her is because she’d already kneed him in the balls. The kid didn’t share that information with the teacher because he was too ashamed to admit he’d been hurt by a girl.”