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- Fiona Davenport
Unwrapping His Package (A Filthy Dirty Christmas) Page 2
Unwrapping His Package (A Filthy Dirty Christmas) Read online
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My bedroom window had the same view, which was why I ran for housing officer the election after I discovered it. I was rarely home, but when I was, it comforted me to see her house and watch for her comings and goings. A distraction, yes, but on the grand scale of things, it was minor.
Feeling restless again, I meandered into the kitchen to find a snack. My pocket buzzed, and I dug out my phone, putting it on speaker before setting the device on the counter.
“Danny,” I answered as I opened the refrigerator and hunted for something other than beer.
“Hey,” Leland replied. “Um, I have something to tell you, but you can’t freak the fuck out.”
I rolled my eyes as I leaned farther in because I spotted an apple at the back. Of the two of us, Leland was definitely the more dramatic and hotheaded one.
“Delia’s sorority sisters ordered her a stripper.”
“What the fuck?” I shouted as I jerked up, forgetting the upper half of my body was all the way inside the fridge. I immediately smacked my head into the shelf above me, knocking it out of place so it crashed onto me, the contents spilling down my back. “Son of a bitch!”
Since the shelf had been holding mostly bottles of imported beer, they shattered once they hit the tiled floor, spraying beer everywhere and soaking my clothes.
“Uh, should I call back later?”
I spun around and wiped the liquid out of my eyes so I could glare at the phone. “Explain,” I demanded.
“I have to hurry. I’m in the gas station buying snacks for the road.”
“Then spit it out, Leland.” I grabbed the broom and dustpan from the pantry and began gathering all the glass, which had thankfully run out of liquid to spray.
“Apparently, the girls thought it would be fun to send Delia a stripper while she’s alone this week. Dude, I think Olivia might actually be hoping Delia gets laid,” I growled. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.”
“Why am I just now hearing about this?” Dumping the glass into the trash, I grabbed a roll of paper towels and dropped to the ground to sop up all of the beer and other random condiments that had been on the shelf.
“Olivia only let me know about the plan five minutes ago. I told her I needed snacks so I could pull over and call you.”
“Since when does your girlfriend keep stuff from you?” I grumbled. What help was he if he didn’t get information from his informant? Granted, she wasn’t aware that she was essentially a spy for me...but still.
“Olivia doesn’t keep shit from me,” he protested. “She just hadn’t told me yet.”
“Did you at least get the name of the agency they used?” I’d call and cancel the stupid thing.
“I’ll find out and text you.”
“But what if—”
“She told me he’s scheduled for tomorrow.”
That mollified me somewhat. Because a crazy plan had begun to hatch in my brain...and I didn’t want to reek of alcohol.
“Just get the name,” I grunted before hanging up. A second later, I felt a little bad about being such an asshole until I remembered what a bastard he could be when something he didn’t like involved Olivia.
Once I’d finished cleaning, I went upstairs and tossed my clothes in the trash before taking a shower. Another perk of my room was the en suite bathroom, and with the house empty, I didn’t have to worry about sharing hot water.
I scrubbed all the wet, sticky liquid from my skin, but it would take at least one more shower to get all that potent liquor out of my pores. After a second scrubbing, I dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants, then sat at my desk, which was situated right in front of the window.
My phone was on the tabletop and had a text message from Leland.
Hard to Handle Agency.
Seriously? This was the name of the stripper agency?
I shook my head as I opened my laptop to search for their number. I’d practically stalked Delia for two years, but I’d never felt so skeevy as I did calling up a male stripper agency.
Leland had also texted the name of the girl who’d made the reservation, so when they answered, I quickly gave them the information and asked them to cancel it. Then I hung up as they were asking me if I wanted to reschedule.
With that done, I decided to get a jump start on some of my reading for next semester. I gave up half an hour later when the idea I’d been trying to ignore wouldn’t stop poking at me.
One semester. I’d vowed to wait until graduation. But I only had a couple of classes to finish, and my application was done and submitted...did I really need to wait? And what if the sorority sister saw the return charge and booked another stripper?
Waiting was too big of a chance. I needed to make Delia officially mine. Now.
The question remained—how did I approach her? I wasn’t sure if she even knew who I was since I’d avoided being close to her for so long. The idea began ringing like a bell, insisting I stop ignoring it.
After a few minutes of arguing with myself, I gave in.
Her sisters had ordered her a sexy Santa, so that was what she was going to get.
I looked up the closest costume shops and called to see if they had Santa costumes available. This close to Christmas, it wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped. I ended up driving four hours away to pick up the outfit.
The light in Delia’s room was out when I returned, so I went to bed. However, with my plans for the next day swirling around in my head, it took a couple of hours to fall asleep.
Four years of waking up at six in the morning had instilled an internal clock inside me, so I was up before the sun. I threw the costume into the washing machine before taking a shower and dressing in a T-shirt and jeans until I needed to change.
I made breakfast, and after I ate, I changed over the laundry. Then I tried to do some schoolwork, but it was useless. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was just after seven. How early can a stripper show up at someone’s house?
The stripper the girls ordered had been booked for late evening. Although, the website touted that they were a twenty-four-hour service. And I knew Delia was an early riser…
My eyes strayed to the red suit I’d set out on my bed after taking it out of the dryer earlier, and I contemplated my options. I could stew over it all day and drive myself in-fucking-sane or hold out another hour and go get my girl.
Plan B won.
I showered again because the suit would be hot, even if I was half-naked under the coat. After doing my after-shower routine, I walked back into my room and went straight for the dresser. I pulled out my underwear drawer but hesitated before grabbing a pair. Don’t strippers wear Speedos?
I shook my head at myself. No fucking way was that happening, but I had no problem with commando, so I shut the drawer. When I put on the pants, they were a little big, so they hung low around my hips. But not enough that they wouldn’t stay up...unless someone gave them a half-decent tug.
Once I’d donned the coat and hat, I went to the mirror in the bathroom to see the full effect. If I looked like a complete jackass, I’d have to figure something else out. However, when I wasn’t in the library or watching over my girl, I was usually at the gym. I had a fuck ton of repressed sexual tension to work out.
It paid off, though. My chest and abs were all sculpted muscle but not overly bulky. The start of the V at my hips could be seen at the top of the waistband of my pants, which were loose, but snug enough to show off my muscular legs. My strength would come in incredibly handy when I fucked Delia in all the positions I’d been fantasizing about. I couldn’t wait to have her curves in my hands, to bury my hardness in all of her softness.
The thought caused a tent to form in my pants, and I grunted in annoyance. Okay, I needed to keep stuff like that out of my head so my giant dick didn’t scare the fuck out of her before I could seduce her.
The alarm on my phone pinged, and I sighed in relief. About fucking time.
I stalked to my desk and grabbed the white beard that completed my costu
me. Then I put on my shoes and the hat.
One last thing...I went to my closet and took out the red velvet bag I’d hung in there the night before. I’d filled it with special items. Some were presents for my girl, and the others, well, they were gifts for both of us.
I hefted the bag over my shoulder and jogged down the stairs. It was cold as fuck outside, so I buttoned the coat, then threw the door open, and took a step toward my future.
With the house all to myself, I’d made better progress on grading than I’d expected. So much so that I started to wonder if I should look into pushing my flight up a few days since I might even be done tomorrow if today was as productive as yesterday. After I’d gotten past the few papers that had a mishmash of AP and MLA writing styles, I hadn’t run into any more major issues, which sped up the grading process.
If my luck continued to hold, I’d be able to push through the rest of the papers in no time at all. It would be my own little Christmas miracle since I had expected to be bogged down in grading for several days.
Excited about the possibility of surprising my family by coming home earlier than planned, I’d hopped out of bed bright and early and had already made great headway on my list of students by eight o’clock.
My head jerked up when the doorbell rang, my eyes narrowing as I heaved a deep sigh. Since nobody else was home and I hadn’t ordered anything, I couldn’t imagine why anyone would be at the door. I grabbed my cell phone off the desktop to open the app for the door view cam to see who was there. I couldn’t see the person’s face because they were looking away from the camera, but there was no mistaking the red hat and coat with fluffy white trim. Santa was at the door, and I knew exactly who to blame—my sorority sisters.
“He must be why everyone was acting so strange,” I muttered, setting my phone down and pushing my chair back as he pressed the doorbell again.
I continued to grumble to myself as I stomped out of my room and made my way downstairs. Santa must’ve been in a rush because the bell peeled again as I reached the bottom of the stairs. “Hold your horses! I’m coming,” I yelled, flipping the locks so I could fling the door open.
I had assumed my sorority sisters had ordered me a singing telegram to cheer me up over being stuck on campus, but it only took me one look at Santa’s bare muscular chest to disabuse me of that notion. The costume the guy was wearing was too sexy for him to be anything but a stripper.
As my gaze drifted down the V leading toward the generous package tenting his red pants, my cheeks filled with heat. There were plenty of hot guys on campus, but I’d never reacted to any of them like this...with one exception. Danny Holland. I’d never talked to him, but something about Leland’s best friend caught my attention every time I saw him across campus.
If Danny had ever asked me out, I would’ve lifted my dating ban in a heartbeat. Then I would have pestered Leland to make sure his best friend actually showed up. But from what I’d learned about him, Danny didn’t date—a fact that had comforted me more than it should. I’d tried to subtly pump Leland for information, but he’d been strangely tight-lipped when it came to coughing up details about his best friend. All I really knew about Danny was that he was a straight-A student who wanted to attend Harvard Law School and worked out a ton. And that I was ridiculously attracted to him.
I’d thought my libido wouldn’t wake up for anyone else, but the stripper on my doorstep proved me wrong. My panties felt as though they were about to spontaneously combust, and butterflies swirled in my belly. It was only a few degrees above freezing this morning, but I barely resisted the urge to fan myself. With desire coursing through my veins, I was as hot as I would be at the beach.
The sexy Santa cleared his throat, and I finally tore my gaze away from his impressive bulge. When my eyes locked with his familiar green orbs, my lips parted on a gasp. It was almost as though I’d conjured Danny from my filthy fantasies, and my attraction to the stranger on my doorstep suddenly made sense. His dark hair and scruff were hidden by the hat and beard, but there was no mistaking his identity. “What’re you doing here?”
“Your sorority sisters ordered you a Sexy Santa.” He gestured down the length of his muscular body with a sweep of his hand. “So here I am.”
My head reared back in shock. “You’re a stripper?”
“Not usually, but I made an exception today.” His eyes narrowed, and the knuckles on his hand holding a red velvet bag turned white. “Why did you assume I’m a stripper? I could’ve been a dirty singing telegram or something like that. How often do your friends order strippers to the house?”
“This is the first time since I’ve lived here, but with how you’re dressed and a body like yours, what else was I supposed to guess?” My gaze darted toward the sorority house next door. A few of their members were still in town. No way in heck did I want any of them to see Danny dressed like this. There would be a freaking stampede across my lawn to get to him. I had no idea how it had happened, but the guy I’d crushed on for two years was my present from my sorority sisters, and I wasn’t going to share him with anyone else. I’d waited far too long to let this opportunity pass me by. I wasn’t going to let another girl steal him from me.
Stretching my arm out to wrap the soft material of his Santa coat in my fist, I jerked him toward me. “Get in here before someone sees you.”
“Do I look that bad?” He glanced down at his chest and flexed his pectorals. “I thought I did the costume justice.”
“Bad?” I echoed, shaking my head as I slammed the door shut behind us. “Not even close.”
He flashed me a cocky grin, his green eyes gleaming with confidence. “So, you like the way I look?”
“I always have,” I sighed as I greedily took in the way his muscular thighs filled out the red pants of his costume.
“Um.” I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, trying to decide if I should tell him that I’d been crushing on him for two years. Would my confession scare him away? Or would he be flattered?
I was lost in my head when he yanked me forward, and I pressed my palms against his chest to steady myself so I didn’t trip over my own feet. I couldn’t think straight with my hands on his bare skin, so it took me longer than it should have to realize I’d missed whatever he’d just said. “Pardon me?”
Instead of repeating himself, he murmured, “Fuck waiting,” before lowering his head. Then his mouth crashed against mine, and I couldn’t have cared less about talking. All of my focus was on his kiss. My very first, and I was ecstatic to share it with Danny.
I savored the feel of his lips moving against mine. A thrill of excitement raced down my spine when the hand cradling the back of my skull tugged on my hair to tilt my head back so he could deepen the kiss. When he nipped my bottom lip, I gasped, and he took full advantage of my parted lips, his tongue sweeping inside to tangle with mine. I didn’t want to miss anything, but my eyes drifted shut as I lost myself to his kiss. I wasn’t sure how much time passed as we stood in the foyer, wrapped up in each other. It could’ve been a minute or an hour...either way, I wanted this kiss to go on forever.
His hard length pressed against my belly, and the dampness in my panties grew. With only one kiss, I was already drenched and needy. When he tore his mouth from mine, his chest heaving, a whimper of protest escaped my lips. His fingers dug into my hips as he lifted me off my feet. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going anywhere without you.”
I wrapped my legs around his waist, too turned on to feel embarrassed when my core pressed against his rock-hard abs. He had to be able to feel how hot and wet I was for him, but I didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to me was the progress Danny made up the stairs toward my room...and my twin-sized bed. My sexy Santa was the best gift I’d ever received, and I couldn’t wait to unwrap him and get to the really good stuff hiding under that costume.
Fucking hell.
Delia was even more incredible than I imagined. She tasted like peppermint and something spicy that was all her own. Her curves filled my hands perfectly, her lips were like velvet, and her dark, desire-filled eyes caused a tingling in my balls. Not to mention the heat radiating from her pussy and the feeling of damp fabric against my stomach. I didn’t know if she was wearing underwear beneath her candy cane–covered leggings, but she’d soaked through the fabric. All that combined to snap my control.
A part of me was worried I’d take this too fast—two years of repressed sexual desire was bubbling to the surface, and I could barely think straight. My mind was filled with one thing, being buried balls deep in my girl.
But Olivia had once mentioned to Leland that Delia was a virgin, and the fear of hurting her was the only thing that kept me from fucking her hard and fast against a wall in the foyer. I waited until we reached the top of the stairs before fusing my mouth to hers once again. Pushing her up against the nearest wall, I devoured her sweetness while my cock leaked steadily in my pants. I definitely wouldn’t be able to return the costume, and I had zero fucks to give about that.
“Bedroom,” I grunted before dragging my lips along her jaw until I was able to nibble on her ear. “I’m going to lose my fucking mind if you aren’t naked in the next two minutes.”
The truth was, I knew exactly where her bedroom was, but it seemed a little too early to introduce Delia to the obsessed stalker who’d taken up camp inside me the moment I first saw her.
“Two doors down on the left,” she panted while tilting her head to give me better access to her neck.
I winced at the pain that shot through my stiff cock as I hurried to follow her directions. The pants of the costume were loose, but I was so fucking hard that even walking hurt. When we reached her room, I carried her inside and over to the bed. I gently laid her down and had to stop for a moment to look her over and assure myself this was real.