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The Passion & Vows Series Page 17

  I was willing to admit it, there was an incredible rush from correcting an injustice. The next time I stumbled across another crooked company, I made sure they paid for their criminal acts since the authorities couldn’t seem to do it. I told myself I’d stop after each one, but there was always someone else who needed help.

  I made the mistake of getting careless with a few “anonymous” tips to the FBI and accidentally left a ghost trace they were able to follow back to me. Then one day, along came the FBI, and Isaac with them—and I gave it all up.

  It was easier than I’d thought it would be, too. I had Isaac, and the high I got from being with him was even better than I felt any time I wormed my way into a dirty corporation’s system. I still got to flex my hacking muscles from time to time when the FBI needed my skills for a particularly difficult case. All in all, I was an incredibly lucky woman… albeit one with too much time on her hands and dreams of babies spinning in my head.

  As much as I’d never want to wish ill will on another person, Isaac taking this case was well-timed for me. I’d been drifting aimlessly the last couple months since the last time I’d been tapped to help the FBI. With the help of all the college credits I gained in high school and some earned through my work with the FBI, I was able to complete my four-year degree during the year Isaac and I were engaged. For the last year or so, I’d had almost nothing to do.

  I didn’t mind so much because I’d hoped to be pregnant. I wanted to be able to enjoy every moment of building a family with Isaac, but until one of those damn tests turned up positive, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with myself. Helping my husband save an innocent man who’d lost the woman he loved, and possibly uncovering a corporate bad guy at the same time? That would definitely keep me busy while we kept on trying. And all the extra orgasms I was going to get while being in the office with Isaac would be an added perk—although, I could have done without Jax almost busting us in the conference room earlier. Talk about embarrassing.

  Tamping down on my discomfort, I spent the afternoon focusing on the circled payments from the records Isaac had found in the lock box in Whitney’s apartment. Whoever was cooking SO&G’s books had done a bang-up job. There wasn’t anything to raise a red flag in the documents the company had provided Isaac. The only way to discover the shadow payments was from the inside—right where Whitney had been before she was killed.

  “How’s it going?” Isaac’s deep voice startled me so much, I leapt from my chair. “Shit, Sunshine. You’re jumpier than usual, and that’s saying a lot for you.”

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “I was just focused on what I was doing.”

  “What exactly were you doing that you didn’t notice me coming into your office?” He slid his palms down my spine and pulled me close. “I’ve never been able to sneak up on you before, not when we are both always so in tune with each other. I’m not sure I like the idea of you being focused on something else to the extent that you don’t know I’m there.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Mr. Grumpy Pants,” I teased. “You’re the center of my universe, even when I’m distracted by the depths people will sink to because of greed.”

  Gripping my shoulders, he bent me back a little so he could look down at me with gleaming eyes. “You found something, didn’t you?”

  “I did,” I confirmed and sat back down in my chair, while he came around behind to look over my shoulder. “But I’m not sure what it means yet. All of the payments Whitney circled were recorded as payments for an oil industry expert hired to research and develop an environmental report. But, these particular payments didn’t go to the same place as all of the other ones recorded for this purpose. The business this money went to is a dummy corporation. Odd, sure, but I’m not sure why that would get her killed.”

  I handed him some of the paperwork I’d been making notes on so he could follow along. “Then I dug deeper into the corporation. Whoever set it up is good, I had to go through like seven subsidiaries before I finally came to the parent corp. The names attached to it are bogus, but I managed to get their bank account numbers.” I gave him a meaningful look. “Numbered accounts in the Caymans.”

  Isaac’s expression darkened and he scrubbed up and down his face in frustration. “Shit.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “But that’s not the weirdest thing. I decided to go back to the basics and contact the company who developed the report, see if they knew anything about the other payments. So I tracked down the name of the head of the research team and tried to get in touch with him—only he’s dead.”

  “Dead?” he growled, his fingers returning to my arms, his grip tight.

  “I know. The coincidence of it freaked me out a little, even though it was listed as an accident. Interestingly enough, considering the industry he worked in, he drove a smart car. It burst into flames while he was driving it because of a malfunction in the battery. There wasn’t any sign of foul play, though. So it could just be a case of crazy timing.”

  He dragged me from my chair and into his office, plopped down on the couch and settled me on his lap with his arms wrapped tightly around me. “What did Agent Taylor say?”

  “He’s going to dig into it further, make sure the detectives on the case didn’t miss anything.”

  “If he’s looking into it more, it means he thinks there might be more to that guy’s death than an accident. Which means you’re off the case,” he rumbled.

  “Isaac,” I wheedled. “I haven’t even been able to uncover who those numbered accounts belong to. It’s a shell corporation, with layers and layers of protection. That kind of set-up and ‘untraceable’ can only mean they’re up to no good.”

  “Exactly. I told you, Eden,” he snapped. “At the first sign of danger, you’re out of this.”

  “I’m perfectly safe,” I reassured him. “I haven’t done any of my hacking from home. Even if I was, I learned my lesson at eighteen and I’m smart enough to make sure I’m not leaving any traces of myself behind. There’s no risk of anyone tracing anything back to me.”

  “Famous last words.”

  “Hey!” I cried, punching him in the shoulder. “Are you implying that I’m dumb?”

  “Of course not, Sunshine. You’re one of the smartest people I know.” I preened at the compliment. “But you can also be one of the most reckless,” he continued, making me deflate. “And it’s my job as the man who loves you to make sure you stay safe.”

  “I’m not going to be careless. I promise.”

  “Eden,” he sighed, burying his face in my shoulder, his arms tightening around me until I could barely breathe. “I don’t think I can do it.”

  “I’ll stay glued to your side the whole time. I’ll ride into work with you. Stay in the office next to you. Keep Taylor in the loop on everything,” I offered. “But please, please please… let me help.”

  “You have no idea how much I want to say no.”

  “I get it. I really do. But you’re going to let me do it anyway?” I asked hopefully, bouncing on his lap a little.

  “Yeah,” he exhaled. “For now at least, only because I can see how much it means to you. You’re practically glowing with excitement lately, and I want to keep seeing you like this. Plus,” he sighed. “I don’t know anyone else who has a shot at getting into those Cayman accounts.”

  “How about I give you a reason to glow, too?” I asked as I slid to my knees in front of him to show him exactly how much his trust meant to me—and then promptly raced into the bathroom to puke after I gagged on his cock.

  Chapter 6



  I dashed from my office to Eden’s, worried she was getting sick again. For the last three days she’d thrown up several times, and I was starting to suspect it was more than just a touch of the flu like she claimed. I’d been after her to go to the doctor, but she’d remained stubbornly convinced it would pass on its own. I was ready to pick her ass up and take her to the doctor kicking and screaming.
/>   But, when I ran through her door, she was mean-mugging her computer and slamming her fingers onto the keys as though the harder she hit them, the more likely they were to do what she wanted.

  “Sunshine?” I asked warily. I hated when Eden was upset. I absolutely couldn’t handle it when she cried and lately, she would burst into tears at the smallest things.

  “I can’t do it,” she shouted and threw her hands into the air.

  I made my way around her desk and lifted her from her chair. Taking her seat, I settled her on my lap and rubbed slow, soothing circles on her back. “I don’t believe there is anything you can’t do, Sunshine.” I kissed the top of her head. “Tell me what’s got you so upset.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek and I wiped it away. “I can’t get into the stupid accounts!”

  “The ones in the Caymans?” I clarified.

  She nodded furiously and swiped at her cheeks.

  “It’s okay, Sunshine,” I insisted softly. “We’ll figure something out.”

  “Isaac…” Something in her tone put me on alert. That tone, she wanted something. Something I wasn’t going to like. “I meant, I can’t get into the accounts from here.”

  She was staring at her hands, fidgeting with her fingers in her lap. I lifted her chin and forced her gorgeous blue eyes to meet mine.

  “You need to go to the FBI? I can take you there this afternoon,” I assured her with a smile.

  “Um—” she tried to look away but I held firm—“that won’t work either. I—um—need to go to the bank.”

  She couldn’t possibly be—“In the Caymans?” I exploded. “Not a fucking chance in hell am I taking you there and even if I were willing to go, I’m not going to allow you to break into a bank overseas. I’m a damn fucking good lawyer, and even I don’t think I could get you out of trouble if you got caught breaking international laws!”

  “Isaac, it’s not a big deal. I just need to insert a little, undetectable bug directly into their system to open a backdoor for me. Then I can get everything done from right here, safe at home,” she coaxed, her hands suddenly tracing lightly over my arm.

  Doing my best to ignore the shivers her touch was inciting, I shook my head firmly. “No, Eden.”

  “We just need to make an appointment like we are going to open a new account, then you get them out of the room for one minute and I can upload the bug.”

  I was already shaking my head before she was done talking.

  “One minute, Isaac,” she pleaded and to my horror, her eyes filled with moisture. “I can do this.”


  “I promise to go to the doctor. Make sure everything is fine before we leave.”

  I loathed any scenario where my wife’s life was put in danger. But with her tears threatening and the promise of a doctor’s appointment, I took a moment to weigh the risks of what she was asking.

  The movies always made things seem more complicated than they were. In reality, I knew I could easily get someone out of their office by asking for a tour of the vault and safe deposit box area, leaving Eden alone with a feigned illness. As long as she left no trace back to herself, and I couldn’t deny my girl was that fucking good, the risks were minimal.

  Without those fucking records, my case was looking pretty bleak. Even with the proof of tampering in the hotel and credit card systems.

  I sighed, and a look of triumph flashed across her face before she schooled her features. “All right, but I want you in the doctor’s office today and if, and only if, she gives you the all clear to travel, we’ll leave for the Cayman’s tomorrow.”

  Eden threw her arms around me and a little squeak of joy escaped her lips. I captured her mouth for a deep kiss and then pulled back, knowing if it went any further, I’d be fucking her on my desk in a matter of minutes.

  She hopped off my lap and I swatted her cute ass as she sauntered away. Just before she was out the door, something occurred to me and I called her name.

  “Eden.” She flipped around and peered at me questioningly. I narrowed my eyes in warning. “I want a doctor’s note.” I didn’t trust her not to “interpret” the doctor’s order loosely and I had court that afternoon. By the time we recessed, the office would be closed and I wouldn’t be able to call and check her story.

  Her only response was to roll her eyes and flounce out of the room.

  After a never ending session in court, I was insanely happy to be getting home to my wife. She’d sent me a text that everything had gone well at the doctor, but I was eager to hear the details.

  I dropped my briefcase and wandered into the living room to find her sitting on the couch with her computer in her lap. “Hey, Sunshine,” I greeted her warmly, leaning over her and caging her in with my arms. She slammed her laptop closed and smiled before puckering her lips for a kiss.

  Something was off with her smile, though, and her kiss seemed distracted. I frowned as we separated and moved to sit beside her on the couch. Studying her closely, I realized she looked a bit shell-shocked.

  I took her hand and squeezed it lightly. “Eden? Your text said everything is fine.”

  She seemed to snap out of her funk and smiled brightly. A little too brightly.

  “It is. The doctor said what I’ve been dealing with is normal, totally temporary, and she said traveling was no problem,” she spoke quickly, then turned to the end table beside her and snatched up a piece of paper, shoving it at me.

  It was indeed a note confirming what she was telling me. But, my instincts were screaming that something was off.

  “I don’t think we should go,” I stated. “Not until it’s completely passed.”

  Eden’s expression darkened and I sensed an argument coming. One I was afraid I wouldn’t win. “You said if the note cleared me, we’d go. Are you going back on your word, husband dear?” she asked through clenched teeth.

  She had me and she knew it. Fuck. I didn’t like this. Ever since she started working with me on Mark’s case, I hadn’t felt at ease. She was right, though; I’d given my word.

  “All right,” I acquiesced. “But we go, get in and out of the bank, and come home. Nothing else. Understand?”

  Nodding enthusiastically, she climbed onto my lap, straddling me. Her face had lightened again, only this time, the smile was genuine. “I love you,” she whispered before kissing the fuck out of me.

  Her fingers made quick work of the buttons on my pants and I’d barely blinked before she’d lifted her skirt, slid aside her panties, and impaled herself on my rock hard cock.

  “Holy shit! Fuck! Oh, holy fuck, Eden!”

  I tried to hold on to my control, but she started riding me like I was a fucking mechanical bull. She rose up and dropped back down with all her weight, crying out my name. I broke quickly and grasped her hips, taking control, thrusting up to meet her, burying myself as deep as possible.

  “Fuck, Sunshine. That’s it, you’re so fucking wet. I’m so close, baby. I need you to come.”

  I reached between us and with only the tiniest touch, she was screaming my name, her head thrown back and her pussy clenching me in a vise-like grip.

  With two more thrusts, I roared her name as I followed after her, releasing everything I had. When at last we spiraled down, I gathered her tightly up against me.

  “That was incredible, Sunshine.” I kissed the top of her head, then lifted her chin so I could gaze into her beautiful, blue pools. “I have a feeling we finally did it this time.”

  She looked adorably confused and I couldn’t help pecking her on the nose, eyes, and forehead. “I think I finally knocked you up, Sunshine,” I said with a grin. “My only sunshine.”

  Eden blinked at me owlishly then ducked her head, laying it on my chest. “Um, it’s definitely a possibility that I’m pregnant.”

  Something was off in her tone again but before I could call her on it, she diverted my attention by leaning forward and whispering several things she wanted me to do to her that night. Suddenly,
I was a man on a mission.

  The next morning, I woke to Eden getting sick again and I tried to put my foot down about leaving.

  “The doctor said I’m fine, Isaac. It’s a quick flight and we’ll hardly be gone.” The stubborn line of her mouth and defiant glint in her eyes told me I wasn’t going to win this one. I knew my wife and if I didn’t take her, short of locking her up (the idea wasn’t without it’s merits), she’d find a way to get there on her own.

  Grumbling, I grabbed our luggage and took it out to the car. Once we were both belted in and ready to go, I turned to her with my own determined expression. “You will do exactly what I say, no funny business, got it? In and out of the bank, then home.” My tone was steely, my intention to convey that I was not willing to bend on this.

  Eden cupped my cheek and kissed me sweetly. “Deal.”

  Chapter 7


  Sitting in the back of a town car, cuddled against Isaac’s side, I wasn’t paying much attention to the route the driver was taking until I noticed we’d passed the beltway on the completely wrong side of the city. “Did we need to stop somewhere else before heading to the airport?” I asked worriedly. “If so, I think we’re going to be late.”

  We’d already been cutting it closer than I liked, considering what security was like at BWI, and the last thing I wanted was for us to miss our flight. I had a feeling that if we did, I was never going to get another chance to do what needed to be done in the Cayman Islands. It had been hard enough to get Isaac to agree the first time around, and I wasn’t willing to keep what I’d learned at my doctor’s appointment yesterday from him much longer—and then he was bound to become unbearably overprotective.

  “Don’t worry, Sunshine. He’s taking us to Martin instead.”

  “Martin?” I repeated. “I thought they only had corporate and private planes there.”