The Love Bitten Series: Volume 1 Read online

Page 14

  I nearly groaned. Athan could use his wife as an excuse all he wanted, but I wasn’t buying it. His best friend, Silas, used to throw balls like this. Basically, playing matchmaker. We’d made fun of him endlessly about it until he’d been too busy with his Von Trap-sized family to host them anymore.

  Then one day, Athan announced that “Selene” was having a party, and the way he wouldn’t meet my eye told me all that I needed to know. He was inviting potential consorts and trotting me out like a prized pig. I appreciated that he wanted me to be as blissful and settled as he was, so I attended them to make him—“Selene”—happy.

  “Sure,” I sighed. Then I gave them a lift of the chin in farewell before teleporting to the address the council had sent me.



  I wasn’t certain how I’d found myself at a fancy ball in a home that seemed more like a castle than a house. Glancing down at the gown I was wearing, I felt as though I’d somehow wandered into another world. The white bodice and flowing black skirt looked great on me, but the white silk blouse and black taffeta skirt were fancier and more expensive than anything in my closet. I almost didn’t recognize myself after I’d put it on, feeling a bit like Cinderella with my new friends, Selene and Thana, acting as my fairy godmothers. The gown and a pair of heels had shown up on my doorstep this morning. They’d insisted they had everything taken care of when I’d tried to get out of attending the party by telling them I didn’t have anything to wear.

  I’d met them in the frozen food aisle of the grocery store on the first day in my new home—although calling where I was living my home was stretching things a bit since I only had a room to myself. But Selene and Thana didn’t seem to care that I barely had two nickels to rub together. They’d been so welcoming, inviting me to all sorts of events, including this huge party Selene was throwing even though she should be taking it easy because she was nine months pregnant.

  Glancing down at her feet as we stood next to the refreshment table and chatted, I cringed over how swollen her ankles looked. I was afraid they’d get worse the longer she stayed on her feet. “Maybe we should go sit down.”

  “Nah, I’m used to how this feels by now.” She wiggled her toes in her strappy flats. “I went through it when I was pregnant with Cassius, too.”

  “I’m so glad mine weren’t nearly as bad with Ronan and Elspeth.” Thana pulled her phone out of a pocket in her gown—which I found super cool—probably to check to see if there were any messages from her husband, who had stayed behind with their children since they hadn’t been feeling well today. She heaved a deep sigh of relief, her lips curving into a smile, and turned the screen so we could see an adorable photo of them cuddled on their daddy’s chest, sound asleep.

  “They’re so precious.” My heart melted over the sweet image, and my guilt over Thana being away from them grew. I’d told her to stay home, but she’d insisted on coming because she didn’t want me to feel out of place since I didn’t know any of the other guests.

  Selene glanced over my shoulder and grinned before she rolled her eyes and grumbled, “Geesh, one tiny mention of me going to sit down, and here he comes.”

  I realized she was talking about her husband when he joined us, sliding his arm around her back. “You shouldn’t be on your feet.”

  She ignored his complaint and gestured to me. “This is Bronwyn O’Brien. She just moved here, and Thana and I have decided to keep her. Bronwyn, this grumpy stud is my husband, Athan.”

  “I’m not grumpy,” he muttered, making me giggle as my cheeks heated. I’d never been good with being the center of attention.

  I’d heard a lot about Thana’s husband and the other Bancroft brother, Stephan. He sounded like a great guy from everything my new friends had told me about him. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t made it to the party yet, but nobody seemed surprised that he was late. As much as I would have liked to meet him, I knew Selene wouldn’t leave until I did. She should be home to help her husband with their children, and there was only one way I could make that happen. “Your wife and sister-in-law are too sweet. Unfortunately, I need to leave a little early. I’m sorry I won’t be able to meet Stephan or Kieran.”

  Thana waved away my apology. “We’ll have you over for dinner in a few days. You can meet our little ones, too.”

  “I look forward to it,” I replied with a smile, mentally cursing my tendency to blush when I felt my cheeks heat again. I loved children, and I was looking forward to spending time with Ronan, Elspeth, and Cassius.

  Athan’s gaze drifted to the windows that lined the back of their house. It was nearly midnight, and the only light in the dark sky came from a full moon. “Why don’t you use our driver? He can take you wherever you need to go safely.”

  Selene slipped her arm through Athan’s and snuggled into his side. “That’s a great idea, husband!”

  It was such a kind offer, but I hated the idea of putting anyone out, especially when Thana and Selene had already provided the outfit and shoes I was wearing. Shaking my head, I murmured, “Thank you, but the house where I’m temporarily renting a room is not far from here, and I could use the fresh air.”

  “The driver would be more than happy to roll down the windows for you if you’d like to get some air,” Selene insisted.

  It was difficult to stand up to both of them when they were teaming up against me—which was how I’d found myself at the party in the first place—but I dug deep because it really wasn’t a big deal for me to take the short walk home. “No, really, walking is more than fine.”

  Athan remained silent while Selene and Thana continued trying to convince me to accept the ride, but I held firm until Selene finally shot a glare at him when I won the argument. He seemed unbothered by her irritation as he grinned and shrugged, earning himself another eye roll.

  “I can show you out,” Thana offered.

  “That’s a great idea. Thanks.” Athan swept Selene into his arms, finally getting her off her swollen feet.

  Thana tucked her arm around my elbow and led me through the crowd, pausing to introduce me to several people along the way. It wasn’t until we reached the entryway, and she retrieved my purse from a closet near the front door that I realized that most of the guests I’d met were single women. I found it kind of strange that a happily married couple with children had invited so many unattached females to their party, but I didn’t feel as though it was my place to ask Thana what was up with the guest list.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a ride?” Thana asked one last time as she pulled the door open for me. “I hate the idea of sending you out alone when it’s so late.”

  “You really don’t need to worry.” I flashed her a reassuring smile and patted her shoulder. “There’s something about the pitch black of night that I have always found oddly comforting, and the house is only a short walk.”

  “I guess I have to let you go if you’re certain it’s okay,” she sighed, giving me a quick hug. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

  I’d been looking after myself for a long time, so I didn’t have a problem giving her my word. “Always.”

  “Fine,” she huffed, making me giggle as I walked past her.

  The front of Selene and Athan’s house was well-illuminated, with lights spaced out down the long driveway all the way to the street. But once I left their property, I only had the moon to light my path. Luckily, the wealthy neighborhood with vast estates had sidewalks that led everywhere, so I didn’t need to worry about a car not being able to see me even though the bodice of my gown was white. After being surrounded by strangers at the party, it was nice to be surrounded by silence. But about five minutes into my walk, I started to regret not taking Athan up on his offer.

  I wasn’t certain what was spooking me, but the tiny hairs on the back of my neck were standing up straight. I hadn’t seen a single person since Thana had shut the door behind me, but it felt as though I was being watched. Glancing over my shoulder, I scanned
the darkness for any sign that someone was out there. When I didn’t see or hear anything, I clenched my skirt in my fists and picked up my pace.

  I didn’t have much farther to go, but it felt as though it would take me forever to reach the safety of the house where I was staying. I was practically running full out when I heard a deep chuckle from behind me that freaked me out. My instincts had been right—someone was out there, stalking me. As I raced forward, I wanted to kick my own butt for being stubborn and not taking the darn ride when it had been offered to me. I made a promise to myself then and there...the next time someone wanted to help me, I wasn’t going to allow my pride to get in the way.



  “Ouch! Damnit!” I hissed as I yanked a wooden stake out of my shoulder. “Fucking leech.”

  I didn’t know what that jackass thought he was going to accomplish by stabbing me. It hurt like a bitch, but the wound began to heal as soon as I removed the jagged stick. At least I’d turned his ass to ash at the same time. Although, it was a little embarrassing that he’d managed to get ahold of one of my weapons. I was not on my best game because I’d been burning the candle at both ends lately. Not that I would admit to working too much to my brothers.

  With a grumpy huff, I kicked the pile of vampire dust, then groaned when it got on my pants. I was covered in blood, dirt, and ash. And about to be late for the ridiculous matchmaking event that my brother was trying to pass off as just another party. I was seriously tempted to ditch it for a quiet night and a good book. However, I didn’t want to disappoint my sister-in-law, especially when she was so close to giving birth. She’d cry, and I was not fond of that. Plus, Athan would kick my ass. It wouldn’t stop me from giving him endless shit about it, though, especially after all the grief he’d given his best friend Silas when he’d been the one hosting these little soirees.

  Sighing, I bent down and grabbed the stake that used to be lodged in the frozen heart of a soulless nightwalker and secured it in the holster strapped around my left thigh. Knowing I couldn’t go to the party like this, I teleported home to shower and change. I could have done it in the blink of an eye with magic, but for the most part, my brothers and I lived a relatively human life. And I preferred to feel the hot water on my body rather than use a wave of my hand to be clean.

  After readying myself, I realized I was starving and, since there were humans in attendance, it was unlikely they would be serving my necessary diet. On my way out, I detoured to my kitchen and gulped down a couple of glasses of cold blood. Feeding from anyone other than our consort made the blood taste repulsive, so we used a company that delivered bagged blood. The service was created specifically for this purpose.

  Once I was full, I rinsed the glass and stowed it in the dishwasher. There was nothing else that I could feasibly use as an excuse to be even later, so I started the trek to my brother’s mansion. I could have teleported there, but it wasn’t far, and I was dragging my feet, decidedly unexcited to be subjected to another evening of being trotted out like a prized pig.

  About five minutes into my journey, my phone pinged, and I pulled it from my pocket to glance at the message. Unsurprisingly, it was a request for a job. It was tempting, but the guilt from distancing myself from my family was eating away at me. I declined the offer and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

  The air around me suddenly thinned, and it almost crackled with electricity. The most delicious smell assaulted my nose, and the thumping of a racing heartbeat tickled my ears. The sound of footsteps was gaining volume as they came closer. Someone was running, and I could sense the fear propelling them in my direction.

  An overwhelming need to help the person pushed me into a jog. It was a different feeling than the ones I experienced while working, and I didn’t understand the change. But I didn’t have time to ponder it at the moment.

  There was a full moon, but dark clouds had moved to cover the light, making it nearly black. But my eyes were their very sharpest in the darkness. So, when a woman came racing out from under a bridge, I was immediately struck by her beauty. Her skin was pale, even more so with the fear emanating from her. Dark, nearly black, hair was twisted up behind her head, but several strands had come loose and blew around her angelic face.

  Dark brown eyes were filled with terror as she glanced behind, and her full, ruby lips were slightly open from her panting breaths. Her choppy breathing and fast pace caused her full, round breasts to bounce under her white, long-sleeved blouse, and her large black skirt flowed behind her.

  If I had been human, I imagined I would have been having very inappropriate thoughts about this woman when my first instincts should have been to help her. Not ogle her. However, having never experienced any sexual response to a woman, I was guessing, which was why I was caught off guard at being struck by her appearance when I should have gone directly into attack mode. Not that I was worried. Whatever was chasing her wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

  I stepped directly into her path, and her head swiveled back around just as she plowed into me. I planted myself on the ground, so I didn’t budge when her body barreled into mine. My arms wanted to close around her and keep her hidden in my embrace, but I needed to deal with the danger first. “I won’t hurt you, angel,” I assured her softly. “Get behind me, and I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” She stared up at me in confusion for a beat, then her fear receded a little, and she nodded.

  I guided her around, so I was between her and the approaching threat. I could hear their footsteps as they ran through the tunnel under the bridge, and it didn’t take long for me to recognize my natural enemy. I’d certainly fought enough of them in the last five centuries. Considering their accelerated speed from being a vampire, I assumed they were playing with their prey, which only made me doubly annoyed with their interruption of my night.

  The two nightwalkers emerged from the arched exit, and I was ready with a stake in each hand and a bored expression on my face. When they saw me, however, their gaits faltered for a second before they continued toward us. “I just changed into these clothes for a party, and I’d rather not have to do it again due to your messy ashes. So, I’m giving you one chance to turn around and leave.” I spoke no louder than I would have if they’d been standing right in front of me, knowing their vampiric hearing would pick it up.

  A dark-skinned, yet still pale—being undead tended to do that to a person—male vampire smiled evilly, his expression cocky. Imbecile. “Hand her over, and we won’t get your blood all over your pretty clothes, daywalker.”

  I heard the woman gasp from behind me, but thankfully, she stayed put. Being forced to chase after her while trying to fend off two nightwalkers would have been a pain in the ass.

  I rolled my eyes and twirled one of the stakes in my hand. “You must be newly bitten if you think you can take me, bloodsucker.” I looked at the other vampire—a tall, skinny blonde with red-eyes—who was hanging back slightly. “Ah, I see. Your friend here is using you to distract me. She’s counting on my killing you to give her an opening to get to the female she’s after.”

  The male looked back at his companion, who was too busy glaring at me to try to convince him I was lying. She was the real threat. Never removing my eyes from her, I launched one stake at the man and heard a pop before the thud of the wood hitting the ground.

  “Next?” I taunted.

  Her thin lips pinched, and her eyes narrowed, rage burning in their depths. “I won’t be so easily taken out, Bancroft,” she sneered.

  It wasn’t shocking that she knew who I was; the Bancrofts were a well-known, established bloodline among the daywalkers. In addition to our own reputations, our father had seven siblings, all boys, and they’d provided us with a plethora of cousins who lived up to their heritage. In fact, I’d been known to get wasted with a few of them when the sight of the only Bancrofts in our generation with mates became too much to handle. We were also enabled by the fact that our cousin Liam—who lived two towns over�
��owned a company that produced high-end whiskey.

  Angling my head a tiny fraction, I didn’t break eye contact with the female vampire as I spoke to the angel. “Do you see that house down the road?” I asked her. It was the only one around since I owned the ten acres it stood on, but I wasn’t sure how frazzled she was and wanted to be very clear. “The one with the winding drive at the square turret?”

  “Yes,” she whispered in a trembling voice.

  “Head over there, and I’ll be right behind you.”


  I hated to send her off without me, but this female vamp was clearly very old and likely quite powerful; I didn’t want my angel distracting me. I was a little startled at the possessive adjective I used so thoughtlessly. I had no idea where it had come from. If a nightwalker was chasing her, it almost certainly meant that she was someone’s consort. Daywalkers were very possessive and jealous of their mates. Whoever she was destined for would tear off my head for thoughts like that.

  “I promise I’ll be there before you even reach the front door,” I vowed.

  She started to protest, and I cut her off with a firm tone and command. “Go, angel.”

  Her warmth disappeared from behind me as she complied with my request. I felt a little bereft at the loss but shrugged it off.

  I cocked my head to the side and studied the vampire who was glaring past my shoulder. She became a blur so suddenly that most night or day walkers would probably have missed her as she slipped by.

  A snort escaped my mouth as my arm shot out. My strength and toned muscles acted like a steel beam when she ran straight into it, slamming her forehead and bouncing back from the impact.

  “Son of a bitch!” she snarled as she tried to steady herself while gingerly checking her forehead for injury.


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