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Unwrapping His Package (A Filthy Dirty Christmas)

  Unwrapping His Package

  Fiona Davenport

  Copyright © 2021 by Fiona Davenport

  Cover designed by Cormar Covers

  Edited by Editing4Indies

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Unwrapping His Package


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7



  Filthy Dirty Christmas

  About the Author

  Unwrapping His Package

  When Danny Holland spotted Delia Parker on campus, he became obsessed. For two years, he warned all other guys away from the beautiful student while he focused on getting into his dream law school.

  The time has finally come for Danny to claim his woman after holiday break. But he tossed his plan out the window when he learned that her sorority sisters ordered a sexy Santa stripper for Delia. The only package she was going to unwrap was his.



  Long, silky dark hair. Chocolate-brown eyes. Rosebud lips. Creamy skin. Petite, but with sexy as fuck curves. Intelligent. Funny. Musical laughter.

  This was the description of my ideal woman.

  I didn’t know I had one until I met her.

  Delia Parker. From the moment I first laid eyes on her, she became mine. She just didn’t know it yet.

  I was a sophomore in college with one goal. Harvard Law. It had been my dream since I was a kid, and I’d been solely focused on it. I had a 4.0 GPA, participated in and organized activities that Harvard would appreciate seeing on my application, and basically lived in the library.

  At the urging (nagging) of my best friend, Leland, I’d pledged into a fraternity, but their reputation also made them an asset to my law school application. Unlike my brothers, though, I didn’t have time for parties, and I certainly didn’t have any interest in complicating my life with a relationship. Women were more trouble than they were worth and would distract me from my path.

  Then one sunny day, I was crossing the quad when I spotted a gorgeous girl, and my entire body froze. My breath caught in my lungs, and my heart skipped a beat. Leland happened to be walking next to me, and he halted in his tracks, looking around to see what had brought me to such an abrupt stop.


  My mouth was completely dry when I pointed a shaky finger in her direction and croaked, “Her. Who is that?” Leland wasn’t one for meaningless sex or relationships, but he was still the life of the party on campus and knew just about everyone.

  He scratched the blond scruff on his chin while he thought. “Delia...starts with a P…”—he snapped his fingers—“Parker!”

  Her name was just as beautiful as her body. For the first time in—I honestly had no fucking clue—my groin tightened, my cock twitching with interest.

  Great. Just what I need right now.

  “What do you know about her?”

  “She’s a sophomore on the communications track. Her dad owns a hotel and restaurant in Las Vegas, I think. Maybe more? He’s a fucking billionaire, but from what I’ve heard about her, you’d never know it.”

  “Is she seeing anyone?”

  “Not that I know of. I’ve spotted her on dates a few times, but I’ve never seen her with them on campus or anywhere else after that.”

  My jaw hardened at the thought of my girl spending time with another man.

  Leland had gone quiet, and he looked back and forth between Delia and me a few times. “Want me to introduce you?” he offered, gesturing in her direction.




  I forced myself to shake my head. “I can’t deal with a relationship right now. But…” I trailed off and blew out a harsh exhale. “Fuck. I can’t...I just need two years. Then I’ll have my acceptance and can just focus on my studies instead of everything else I need to get admitted. We could move in together and—”

  “Um,” Leland interrupted me. “I doubt she’s going to sit around twiddling her thumbs for two years while you figure your shit out. Especially if she doesn’t even know you’re interested. Some other guy is going to swoop in and steal her.”

  “Then we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen,” I said through clenched teeth.

  “I guess you could just tell her what you want and see if she’s willing to go along with it.” Leland shrugged, but his expression made it clear that he thought that wouldn’t work.

  He was mostly right. I couldn’t get to know her enough to ask her to wait for me and then ignore her for two years. Friendship was out of the question, too. I’d never be able to stay in the friend zone with her. We were yards apart, and I was already hard as fuck and tempted to snatch her up before finding the nearest bed to fuck her on.

  Just then, some punk sidled up to her and threw his arm around her shoulders. She gave him an uncomfortable smile, then stepped to the side, shrugging him off.

  My fingers bit into my palms as my hands curled into tight fists.

  “This is going to be a problem, isn’t it?” Leland sighed.

  “Find out who he is and arrange for us to have a chat.”

  He cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. “Who says I’m going to help you with this ridiculous scheme?”

  I finally tore my gaze from my girl and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Setting aside the fact that you’re like a brother to me, how about because of all the times you dragged me into shit? Or all the times I bailed your ass out after I warned you, and you did it anyway?”

  Leland grinned and stuck his hands in his pockets. “You have a point.” He glanced in Delia’s direction for a second, his smile growing even bigger. “Her best friend, Olivia, is pretty hot. Maybe I’ll ask her out and get the nitty-gritty details on your girl. It’d probably make it easier for you to stalk her and make sure she stays single.”

  Perhaps I should have objected to him classifying what I was planning as stalking her, but I couldn't because I had every intention of doing it. I was busy, but with Leland’s help—who didn’t give a fuck about school because he could get A’s even if he slept through his classes—I’d know who the guys sniffing around her were.

  Like the little shit who’d dared to touch her on the quad. He’d been about to wet his pants by the time I gave him the warning to stay away from Delia. I could be a scary motherfucker if I wanted to. I was tall, muscular from regular workouts, and fueled by my possessive feelings for Delia.

  Over the next two years, I gained even more muscle and started boxing because I needed an outlet for all the sexual frustration. Fate must have agreed with my timeline because I had no fucking clue how I managed to stay away from my girl.

  I just hoped that my intensity and deep hunger for her didn’t freak her out when the time came. Because the moment I gave myself permission, my patience would fly out the window, and it was unlikely I’d let her out of bed for a few least.

  Finally, as the Christmas break approached my senior year, my application to Harvard was submitted, and my next semester was light with only a couple of labs and a capstone project that was mostly done.

  I began making a plan for when we returned to school aft
er the holiday.

  The plan went in the garbage the second Leland informed me about the present Delia’s sorority sisters were giving her.



  “Bye, Delia! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do before you head home.” I glanced up from my computer and quirked a brow at Katie, one of my sorority sisters.

  We’d been in the same pledge class and knew each other well. “I’m not sure there’s much on that list.”

  “Good point.” She flashed me a grin and winked. “I just mean that you should save some of the fun for while you’re in Vegas. It’s the city that never sleeps, after all.”

  “Uh-huh, sure.” I sighed and shook my head as she walked away. Growing up in Las Vegas took a lot of the mystique out of Sin City, and it wasn’t as though I was going to be partying on the Strip when I was back home.

  A few minutes later, one of our initiates popped her head into my room. “Have a great Christmas, Delia.”

  As their new member educator, I was close to our newest members. They had just been initiated into the sorority last month, so their big sister and I were the people each of them knew best outside of the other members of their pledge class. “You too, Shelly.”

  “And don’t forget to sit on Santa’s lap. I’m sure you’ll get a great present from him if you do.” Her giggles drifted down the hall as she raced away before I could ask what the heck she was talking about.

  Everyone was acting super weird today. At first, I thought it was just because my friends were excited about going home for the holiday break, but I couldn’t help wondering if something else was going on with all the odd comments and strange looks they were giving me.

  “Maybe they just feel bad because I’m stuck on campus by myself for a while,” I muttered as I refocused on the paper displayed on my computer screen.

  I mostly enjoyed assisting my favorite communications professor, but sometimes I second-guessed my decision to accept her job offer. Like today, as I watched the rest of my sorority sisters pack up and say their goodbyes. Our winter break had officially begun, but I still had several days of grading to do before I could leave. Fall final grades weren’t due until the fourteenth, and Dr. Frost had been cool with me putting my work off until after my finals were over. With three tough exams and a ten-page paper all due within a forty-eight-hour window, I’d jumped at the chance to postpone my grading until that was finished.

  It’d definitely been the right call, but I couldn’t help wishing that I was able to head home today, too. As each of my sorority sisters stopped to wish me a happy holiday, my envy continued to ratchet up—even with all the weirdness. In the grand scheme of things, six days wasn’t that big of a delay. Especially since I had just been back in Vegas for Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. But I already missed my dad, Amelia, Julia, and Zack so much.

  My half sister and brother were growing by leaps and bounds, and I could hardly wait to see all the new things they were doing. I video chatted with Julia and Zack at least once a week because I didn’t want to miss any of their milestones, but nothing beat spending time with them in person. And this Christmas was going to be awesome because Julia was finally old enough to be excited about the holiday and it was Zack’s first. I couldn’t wait to see their eyes light up on Christmas morning when they saw all the presents under the tree.

  “What put that silly smile on your face?” my best friend asked as she walked into my room with her boyfriend trailing after her. The two of them had basically been joined at the hip ever since Leland asked Olivia out for their first date two years ago. She’d really lucked out with him, and I envied how easily they’d fallen into a serious relationship.

  I’d barely dated since my freshman year and tended to get ghosted by guys on a regular basis without even making it to the first date. Before I gave up on guys toward the end of my sophomore year, I’d been stood up so often that I started to bring a friend with me so I wouldn’t have to eat alone. Olivia was usually the first person I asked, so I’d had lots of coffee, lunch, and dinner dates with the two of them since Leland wasn’t a fan of his girlfriend going out with other guys...even if they were supposed to be there for me and didn’t even bother showing up.

  Leland glanced at my computer screen and shook his head at the comment I was adding to a paper I was grading. “It sure as hell isn’t the difference between APA and MLA citations.”

  Olivia peered around his arm and laughed. “I don’t know. You have to admit it’s kind of funny that they used both styles at the same time. They’re confusing enough all by themselves, so combining the two has to be mind-boggling.”

  “Maybe I’d be amused if this was the first time.” My shoulders slumped as I sighed. “Or they were the only student who had done it.”

  “Damn.” Leland slid his arm around Olivia’s shoulders as he let out a low whistle. “Kids today.”

  My best friend bumped him with her hip. “Yeah, because we’re all so ancient.”

  “Hey, at least I can buy alcohol now,” I protested.

  Olivia flashed me an impish grin. “Being underage never stopped us before.”

  “This is true.” I smiled back at her, thinking about the fake ID I’d used before my twenty-first birthday. My dad would’ve freaked out if he’d ever discovered I’d gotten it through someone I’d met at The Artemis, the resort and casino he and my uncle owned. Or just that I had one, period.

  Sometimes, he acted as though I was still as young as Julia. But I comforted myself with the fact that he was also overprotective of Amelia, and my stepmom was a grown woman more than capable of taking care of herself. Watching over us was how my dad showed love, or at least that was what Amelia had told me once when I was complaining about how over-the-top he could be. “But at least we’re finally legal.”

  “I know.” She jutted her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. “Too bad I’m not coming to Vegas with you. We could’ve had so much fun at all the clubs, dancing until our feet felt like they’d fall off.”

  Olivia had visited me over summer break the past two years, but we hadn’t even tried to use our fake IDs while she’d been there. They were good enough to fool the bouncers at the bars near campus, but the guys employed by the places on the Strip were a whole other story. The last thing I’d needed was to have my dad all over me because one of his friends called after I’d been detained by their security team.

  “Sorry, you’re stuck with me, babe.” Leland pulled Olivia against his side and brushed a kiss against her temple. “But we can go dancing if you’re really looking forward to it.”

  “Line dancing wasn’t what I had in mind, and that’s pretty much the only kind of fast music they play at the bars in my hometown.” Olivia wiggled her right foot. “How about we pretend we did, and you give me a nice long foot rub instead?”

  “Whatever you want,” he promised.

  I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a huge pedicure kit under the tree for her this year. All she had to do was mention something in passing once, and Leland bent over backward to make it happen. He reminded me a lot of how my dad was with Amelia, and I’d promised myself that I would hold out for someone who paid attention to the little things, too.

  “Anyway, we’ve got to run.” Olivia wiggled her fingers in a little wave. “You’re going to have the whole place to yourself. Try to have some fun, okay?”

  I jerked my chin toward my computer. “I’m not sure that’s possible with papers like these to grade. I feel a little like the Grinch handing out bad grades this close to Christmas.”

  “Maybe they’ll get better.” She clapped her hands together. “Or you’ll stumble across something to get you into the holiday mood. Or you know”—she shrugged—“it might stumble into you.”

  I pointed at the tower of treats Amelia had sent to tide me over until I got home. “That’s about as festive as it’s going to get for me unless I decide to move down to the living room and stare at the Christmas tree the initiates put up between

  “You never know...the holiday season is full of surprises.”

  I didn’t trust the mischievous glint in my best friend’s eyes. “What are you not telling me?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” she tossed over her shoulder as she dragged Leland out of my room, leaving me to wonder what kind of mischief my sorority sisters had planned.



  I wandered around the living room of my frat house, feeling restless. Not all of my brothers were gone for the holidays, but the ones who stayed in town normally hung out at their girlfriend’s places or with friends who lived in the area, so it was unusually quiet.

  Now that I’d taken the LSAT and sent in my application to Harvard, I didn’t have a lot of studying to do, and all of my groups and sports were on break. The only thing I had to obsess over was Delia.

  One more semester.

  Then I’d be done with all of my classes, and I’d know whether I’d be headed to Boston next fall.

  When I found out she would be staying in her sorority house alone for almost a week, I pushed off my trip home. I didn’t like the idea of her without anyone watching over her. My parents and siblings had been cool with it since I would still be home for a couple of weeks. And they were used to me coming home late and leaving early so I could spend as much time studying as possible.

  I found myself at a tall window at the front of the house. It had a view of the hill that made up Greek Row, and Delia’s sorority occupied a house halfway down the slope. From this window, I could see who came and went. When it was lit up at night, I could even see what was happening in their living room because it had originally been part of the sunroom, so it had an entire wall of glass.